How many JW pedofiles do you personally know?

by oldlightnewshite 46 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • ThomasCovenant
  • Coffee House Girl
    Coffee House Girl

    Two that still serve in the congregation I attended (around 76 pubs when I was active in 2009), they are both on the state's sex offender registration website. Neither of them hold any positions in the cong, but they still are active witnesses who go out in service and attend cong "get togethers" where they can have open association with many young ones -


  • TheOutSpoken1

    I know of one personally. He got caught and has been sentanced to prison for abusing minor children. I always thought the behavior of his own children was wierd as I was a child growing up , they didnt act normally, now I know why.

  • Sheep2slaughter

    1. He is currently DFed for molesting a child at his place of employment. No longer in jail tho somehow.

  • twinkle toes
    twinkle toes

    Yes, Old light, I agree that is a lot to know. We moved around so we attend many cong. all over Canada.


  • biometrics

    I think I knew of one JW. That is I don't have 100% proof.

    He asked me to perve on his young daughter (less than 14). He always made jokes like "Q: What's the best thing about having a teenage daughter? A: You get to perv on all her friends". Years later I found out his (now adult) daugher refuses to even speak with him.

  • ozbrad

    1 elder was in the Tamworth congregation I was at as a teenager. He outed himself by keeping a diary of his exploits which his wife found.

    He had molested all 5 of his daughters and their even had sex with their goat. He was jailed on a unrelated fake injury at work insurance scam for 7 years.

    He remarried and was reinstated not long after he got out of jail.

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