"Evidently" the New Watchtower Propoganda Buzzword is "Clearly"

by LostGeneration 38 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ldrnomo

    clearly and evedently, the Watchtower organization is a CULT!

  • 00DAD

    LG, thanks for those clarifying quotes. You're right, "clearly" is the new "evidently".

    None of the points asserted are in fact "clear". It's just like the way they used "evidently" to prop up the assertion that there is such a thing as an "Overlapping Generation". I looked hard, I really did to see the "evidence" used to prove that point but alas there wasn't any.

    The only "evidence" I can infer from their assertion is that Armageddon hasn't come so that can only mean one of two things:

    1. The WTBTS is wrong about Jesus' Invisible Presence beginning in 1914, or
    2. Jesus didn't mean what we thought he meant for the last 97-ish years when he used the word "generation"

    Interestingly, either way the are/were wrong but STILL they don't admit it. The come up with this patently ridiculous "doctrine" and try to pass it off as "New Light TM " What a joke!

    I cannot believe I ever trusted these religious con-men. There's EVIDENCE aplenty to prove that the WTBTS is a fraudulent hoax run by corrupt hypocrites and cowards. If there is anything that I see "clearly" it is that they should be in jail, every one of them!


  • witchtowerwitch

    This article is bull sxxt okay.I did extensive research on 607 BCE,and found it to be a false date,,,,,,,,,,,,,,CLEARLY the witchytower is lieing through their teeth again.All cuniform wheels and tablets state 587 BCE,and their is much more folks,too much for me to write on here.Most importantly,,,Jesus said in the Gosples,,,,,,,,jerusalem WILL BE SURROUNDED by encamped armies,,,,then the appointed times of the nations will begin!!!!Get the point?Will be,denotes the future folks,not 587 BCE but 70 CE,the second destruction of the temple...!So their is no significance to the 7 prophetic times,,,the witchytower under russel back in 1879,copied John Aquilla Browns 2520 year calulations that he made up about the year 1800 or a little later,but russel acted like he came up with this nonsense okay,then spiced it all up with occult measurements from pyraminds door ways to mean inches were now years of time,what an a hole russel was folks!So,,,,the witchtower is only about 600 years off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Well good luck with that!lol.


    Clearly, I made a fart noise, as I read the excerpts mentioned above, and brain cells died.

  • Quendi

    Like 00DAD, I am ashamed I ever believed this pack of lies. I can only excuse myself by saying I was young and the people who studied with me were people for whom I had deep love and who themselves strongly believed all of this. For more than twenty years I sailed along blissfully ignorant and unaware until 1995 and the November 1 issue of The Watchtower. That was the beginning of my doubts but it took another ten years before I began to accept TTATT. This thread has once again showed me the wisdom of doing so.


  • glenster

    "Clearly" is the new "thus" and "hence."

  • darthweef

    OK... is it just me, or does this paragraph not make any sense at all :

    Clearly, our not knowing the exact
    day or hour when this system will
    end has been a blessing for us. Rather
    than being frustrated or disappointed,
    we find ourselves drawn ever closer
    to Jehovah, our loving Father, as we immerse
    ourselves in doing his will.

    How would "knowing" when the end was coming cause frustration or dissapointment? Exactly the opposite, not knowing, and pretending to have "figured it out" over the last 100 years has caused dissapointment and frustration, which could have been avoided if "mother" and "father" would get their shit together and communicate a bit.

    "Clearly" they don't know shit, but that "clearly" helps them draw closer to their imaginary friend who will "clearly" one day wipe out all wickedness from the earth ... oh wait, yeah that's right, "CLEARLY" that's not gonna happen.

  • Scott77

    I cannot believe I ever trusted these religious con-men. There's EVIDENCE aplenty to prove that the WTBTS is a fraudulent hoax run by corrupt hypocrites and cowards. If there is anything that I see "clearly" it is that they should be in jail, every one of them!

    Very excellent and insightful statement. I could not agree more. 00DAD many ways to go. darthweef, you also nailed them down on that above.


  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    Clearly the WTS do not have a large vocabulary. This is not happifying.

  • biometrics

    I call it "Watchtower Speak", the language of manipulation."Clearly", "Evidently" and most of their other buzzwords are used to psychologically intimidate those under the WT spell. Other words, when given a different meaning than ordinary, (e.g. Publisher) form a secret cult language that bonds members. Those words reinforce WT "Group Think", anyone who even questions the doctrine is "Clearly" an apostate, or outsider to the cult.

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