Atheists: Lowest Retention Rate Next to JWs

by breakfast of champions 173 Replies latest jw friends

  • james_woods

    Would you please elaborate on "honest Christian belief" and what value it has for the ex-JW community?

    I was speaking for Ed, who is gone now. (as best I remember his thinking) Ed remained stubbornly Christian all his life - but he too had rejected all organized Christian Churches.

    He thought that true Christianity could only be achieved by personal study of the Bible and application to your individual life - sort of a personal religion-philosophy. He thought that once an organization was created, too many human tendencies of pride, ritual, materialism, politics, etc. got in the way.

    He was aware that I had moved on toward agnosticism, and I think that those comments were partly directed to me to get me to move back to a self-discovered Christianity like he had developed. I just could not do it.

    BTW - for what it is worth, I think Ed had come to about 2/3 acceptance for the Trinity by the time he died. He definately believed in the Deity of Christ. He would not comment on the "Holy Spirit" as an entity.

  • james_woods

    Only the smart ones.

    Berengeria-Beks! You are speaking in jest - there have been some very smart liberals and conservatives alike. And some very stupid ones.

    Same with religion-nonreligion.

    These things are personal life decisions - I do not think we should belittle people who have decided for whatever reason to be on the other side than we are. Being on the other side does not make you stupid - it just makes you a person with a different philosophy.

    Back on the actual topic - I have a question:

    Why should atheists care what the "retention rate" of their children is? I should have thought that they (of all people) believe in free choice and understand that religious belief seems to be a curious natural tendency to most humans...

  • cofty

    Your single-sentence grunt of a reply is eagerly awaited. - Sulla

    Arrogant prick.

    That will have to suffice for now, will get back to you with something less monosyllabic later.

  • jamesmahon

    Mr Woods. I don't think atheists care. I know I don't. If my children professed a belief at any point in their life I would debate it with them, probably vigorously, but it is their right to decide. I would imagine given the posts on this and other threads most would feel the same.

    I think the real questions to answer in this survey are more for beleivers. Why is it that people who are born in a faith find it so hard to identify with any other belief other than the one they were taught as a child? But maybe the FBPU (Farkel Board Police Unit) will jump on me for pulling this worn out thread off topic so better not ask this.

    cofty - my original post on this (apparently a straw man) was a pre-emptive comment for those that were going to post that it is proof there is a god. It took until page 5 for sulla to come along and do this. Thanks Sulla. Now, back to my joyless, empty existence as an atheist.

  • james_woods
    Mr Woods. I don't think atheists care. I know I don't. If my children professed a belief at any point in their life I would debate it with them, probably vigorously, but it is their right to decide. I would imagine given the posts on this and other threads most would feel the same.

    I don't care either - provided that the kids did not go into the JWs, Scientology, or such while I was still alive to see it.

    Now, back to my joyless, empty existence as an atheist.

    Well, at least you have the remote joy of seeing your Queen drive by from time to time in her Rolls-Royce.

  • jamesmahon
    I don't care either - provided that the kids did not go into the JWs, Scientology, or such while I was still alive to see it.

    I agree. I think any organised religion that had 'my god is better than yours' would do my head in.

    Well, at least you have the remote joy of seeing your Queen drive by from time to time in her Rolls-Royce.

    I wish she did. I'm sure I could find a nice spot behind a grassy knoll...

  • james_woods
    I wish she did. I'm sure I could find a nice spot behind a grassy knoll...

    But I thought you English were not allowed to have a high-powered rifle?

  • jamesmahon

    She is in her eighties. I would just jump out and shout boo. Or touch her ungloved hand.

  • james_woods

    Or perhaps do what Michelle Obama did - give her a big old lovey-smoochie hug!

  • jamesmahon

    Yes. My doing that seems to have a strong repulsive effect on most women. Hang on. Better start a new thread about ways to assassinate the queen. Must not go off topic now.

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