Avoid Testing God in Your Heart - transcript of talk from District Convention 2012

by wannabefree 42 Replies latest watchtower bible


    Yes, do not doubt " mother's " theocratic appointments!! Remember if you are recommended for a Ministerial Servant it is from the Holy Spirit, and the guy at Bethel that checks the " yes" box and mails it back. Then the Holy Spirit makes the Elders ask you if you have ever been a child-molester before they appoint you, because Jesus and the Holy Spirit could not tell on their own. Otherwise they would not have moved the Elder's hearts to recommend you in the first place! Jesus and the Holy Spirit really dropped the ball for years, but now they have used the meek and willing hearts of the Sacred Legal Department to pick up the slack for them. God be praised!! ( uh..I mean Mother...)

  • mindseye

    Wow, so much thought-control embedded in that talk that I don't know where to start. I found this interesting:

    Well, some feel that the spiritual food received from Jehovah's Organization is not enough, they need more. And so some have taken it upon themselves to try and provide more. A few have pursued independent group studies of Biblical Hebrew and Greek in order to analyze the accuracy of the New World Translation.

    Get a load of that, those that consider themselves Christians would dare to examine how accurate their Bible translation is. The nerve of such people! Of course, anyone who has done such examination knows what the WT is worried about. People who seriously study the Bible, from academics and theologians, believers and unbelievers, liberals and conservatives, agree that the NWT is not a reliable Bible translation (I just heard an evangelical theologian named James White on a podcast discussing Bible translations. He said that "JWs just insert their beliefs into the text.").

    A third lesson we can learn from the Israelites is that Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, showed disrespect for Jehovah's arrangement and decisions. In fact, they started to feel that nothing that Moses was doing was good enough, so they rejected him. And what was wrong with that? Moses was Jehovah's appointed leader.

    In the story, Moses had the burning bush. What does the borg have?

    Jehovah's Organization is very clear on this subject, but have we taken a stand, like the world around us, and, reasoned in our minds that that's the only way that we can have a secure future, even if I have to sacrifice my spirituality, higher education is really the way to go?

    My spirituality has grown with higher education. All of those great thinkers and poets give greater spiritual food than the 'faithful & discreet.'

    We do well to examine our hearts in this regard, this will help us to guard against any critical thinking..

    This sort of attitude against critical and 'independent' thinking is what had me out of the door quicker than the Roadrunner. Is 'the truth' so fragile that it cannot stand the light of closer examination?

    There is only one official internet website wherein one can find all the information they need to know about Jehovah's Witnesses including the abundance of downloadable publications, and that is jw.org.


  • zeb

    A true wt discourse. Never say in 10 words that you can say in a 100.

    How often have we heard.."Ive got a few more minutes.." Trans. "so while Im having my moment in the sun I will drag it out as long as I can".

    The sermon on the mount took apx 20 minutes?

  • bobld

    "Imagine thinking that we know better"

    You fools, I don't have to imagine.I do know better.As an example

    when you said the generation that saw 1914 would not pass away.

    I knew better and you HAD to correct your way of thinking and many

    other times.Stupid people like you should not make such stupid statements.

  • VM44

    "Could we be testing God in our heart by doubting His Organization's view on this matter?"

    There is a hidden assumpting made in that question.

    It is that God's view is the same as that of "His Organization"

    Another assumption is that "The Watchtower" is God's Organization.

    The Watchtower has stated often that they are not inspired by God, and yet in this talk it is stated that questioning The Watchtower (or God's Oranization) is the same as questioning God!

    Lots of Fuzzy Thinking in this talk!

    The speaker should be reminded of 1 John 4:1, " Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. "

    Any organization that claims to be God's organization must be continually tested in order "to see whether they are from God."

  • VM44

    The following was published in The Watchtower back in 1958:

    "It is important, then, that you "keep testing whether you are in the faith," as Paul declared. Keep checking to see whether the things you believe are in keeping with God's Word. But the question is, Are you willing to put your religion through such a test? There is nothing to fear, because if you have the right religion you can only be reassured by the examination. And if what you believe is not in keeping with the Bible, then you should welcome the truth, because it leads to light and life." Watchtower 1958 May 1 p.261 Is Your Religion the Right One?

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    and all that is needed to blow all that crap out of the water is to demostrate that they could not have been chosen in 1919.

    without that they have no 'authority' at all.


  • WTWizard

    I tested Jehovah more directly: How good was he at providing me with what I needed, in a timely way? Jehovah failed miserably. And now, just to rub salt into the wounds of that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag, I would rather worship Father Satan instead.

  • Pistoff

    “Jehovah's Organization is very clear on this subject, but have we taken a stand, like the world around us, and, reasoned in our minds that that's the only way that we can have a secure future, even if I have to sacrifice my spirituality, higher education is really the way to go?”

    A good example of a false choice; either education or spirituality, can’t have both. Apparently the GB thinks that those who choose to attend college decide to abandon spirituality. I have a daughter who has a 4 year degree, still goes to meetings. She is a spiritual person, though not a gung ho witness. Still, she attends meetings. What do they want from her I wonder? The people in her hall look up to her, though they resent that she has a good job .

    “We must guard our hearts against murmuring about any organizational procedures or adjustments in our understandings. If we are not careful in this regard we could become like the Israelites and start to question Jehovah's ability to provide for us.

    Instead of murmuring or complaining, notice what we should do, Psalm 86 verses 11 and 12, that's the eighty-sixth Psalm eleven and twelve. "Instruct me, o Jehovah, about your way, I shall walk in your truth, unify my heart to fear your name, I laud you o Jehovah my God with all my heart, and I will glorify your name to time indefinite."”

    And so the WT continues to conflate GOD, the creator of the universe, the almighty, the Origin, with 7 men in Brooklyn Heights and their ever changing take on the world.

    They also pour on the thought stopping tactics; if you have questions, or that small voice in the back of your mind warns you when they demonize college, you are TESTING or DOUBTING God.

    Of course, you are not doubting God. You are wondering if they are stepping over the line, telling your vulnerable children that to attend college is the same as blowing up their spirituality.

    The written word from WT is bad enough. The spoken word at assemblies and conventions is heavy on manipulation, guilt trips and thought stopping tactics.

  • JakeM2012

    "For instance: How do we feel when there is counsel or direction on how we should view higher education? Jehovah's Organization is very clear on this subject, but have we taken a stand, like the world around us, and, reasoned in our minds that that's the only way that we can have a secure future, even if I have to sacrifice my spirituality, higher education is really the way to go? "

    Interesting that in the mid 1990's "jehovah's organization was very clear about education, printing an article headed, "what is the bibles view"? about higher education. I thought, "finally someone in Brooklyn has got some sense."

    For the last 10 years each circuit assembly and district convention is a higher education bashing. Seeking a degree to be a licensed engineer? Bad! Bad! Bad! What they are really fearful of is the "critical thinking" process learned. Once the mind is expanded through knowledge it can never return to former capabilities.

    Wife read an article in the news that claimed by 2018 that 2/3 of all jobs will have to have some advanced education. Their view of education is what got me disgusted enough to start investigation of teachings that I thought that I knew and understood.

    This is further evidence that they are circling the wagons.

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