Avoid Testing God in Your Heart - transcript of talk from District Convention 2012

by wannabefree 42 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • EmptyInside

    They seem to always be stuck on the Israelites,yet we are no longer under the Mosaic Law. It always confused me how they would pick and choose from all these ancient laws.

  • 00DAD

    It's amazing how they keep equating doubting or disagreeing with the Organization with TESTING GOD!

    Oh, I almost forgot. The Organization IS God!

    Silly me.


  • 00DAD

    I find the bit about "secret doubts" to be particularly troubling. They actually want to get inside of everyone's head and make the R&F feel guilty for even having legitimate questions.

    If you have doubts, even "secret doubts" then you're disobedient to God and he's gonna' kill you at the Big "A".

    Guilt, guilt, guilt and more guilt.

    Fear, fear, fear and more fear.

    What a fucked up religion. Glad I'm out. Now to figure out how to rescue my sons from this abusive crap!

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Now to figure out how to rescue my sons from this abusive crap!

    Well, they're fortunate that you ARE there for them, and unlike their other parent, YOU won't abandon them for ANYTHING (much less for some absurd reason, such as being told to shun them if they did anything wrong). That whole shunning dynamic SHOULD be a red flag for anyone, but sometimes people will rationalize it away (esp. when it's only an abstract concept to them, and they haven't had to confront it as an ugly cold reality).

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    He is obviously so fragile that as soon as I ask awkward questions he disappears, poof !! in a puff of smoke, as does any other fictional character.

    Careful, Phizzy, or YHWH might go all Job on you, and start in with the, "where were you why I created this and that!" routine.

    There's actually a pretty funny video on YouTube about just how screwed up the Job story really is (I LUV Jeffery's line: "so if you think about it, that's exactly why Job's being punished...")



  • cult classic
    cult classic

    "Doubting theocratic assignments, even in our hearts, could weaken our confidence in decisions being made."

    Boy oh boy. That line of thought really causes full-time serving JWs some major problems.

  • flipper

    Cult, cult, cult - Another one bites the dust . Cult, cult, cult - Another one Bites the Dust . And another one gone, and another one gone, another one bites the dust ! ( to be sung to the Queen tune : Another One Bites the Dust ) . Lordy God Jesus- these WT leaders are crazzzzzy

  • Botzwana

    I am GLAD I am out now too! A friend just ordered me the second of Franz´book. I hope it is as good as Crisis.

  • harleybear

    doubting theo appointements? would those be the ones of the sick bastands that molest children, berate women, bully the cong. ect. bet your ass I am going to doubt. What a f&%$&%ing joke. Soooooo glad to be out

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    "submission to Christ also involves our showing proper respect for the men used by him to take the lead in the work he is now doing."

    I'm surprised they didn't pull out the big guns on that one: the speaker COULD'VE cited the example of the group of young children who taunted Elijah, pointing out his male pattern baldness; so Elijah called on YHWH to send wild bears to kill and eat the kids. YHWH doesn't have a sense of humor, no sirree!

    Same message: don't diss God's faithful servants (and slamming the door in their face is defo a diss)!

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