What we're all thinking but haven't said regarding the Conti Verdict

by okage 16 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • okage

    You live comfortably, though you are never certain what the future will bring. You go to work at a business that has become the only thing you really know anymore. You pull a schedule of forty to eighty hours a week. Your content with the benefits and trust the company when they offer you a promising future with them. You've given them your whole being, prioritizing the company over friends, family, and even your health. You're a company man.

    Then you show up to work and the doors are locked with a sign hanging in the window that says CLOSED FOR BUSINESS. There are no contact numbers. Your coworkers are as caught off-guard as you and don't have answers to your questions. And to top it off, you get paid once a month, so you have no idea how you'll get paid for all your time and effort. Now there is the embarrassment of returning to the family you neglected with nothing to show for picking the company over them.

    As more abuse cases come out, this is what the typical Witness faces when the Organization goes bankrupt. The company wont warn them, nor will it tell them why the company is out of business. The typical Witness doesn't know the Society ever went to court in California. She doesn't know they lost a $28 million case. The typical Witness will be locked out in the cold when the Society (not "if") loses many similar cases.

    This isn't a request for pity on the Blue Pills, this is reality and our time to make all 7 million Jehovah's Witnesses accountable for their beliefs. When the Watchtower falls, we can't let them use ignorance as an excuse. We tell them ALL, and they are faced with the choice of leaving the filthy ship before it sinks, or standing by the pedophile sanctuary with no one waiting for them after the Organization collapses on itself.

    Telling every Witness about Candace Conti lets you know who they are, be it stranger, friend, or family. Cognitive dissonance is one thing, but it doesn't impair knowing right from wrong. If presented with proof that their Organization's high officials hid the truth about a pedophile and it hurt more children because of it, and the Witness stands by the Organization, then that Witness will protect people who hurt kids. Then its up to you to decide if that's a person you want to associate with.

    The Governing Body, Overseers, the Watchtower Society legal department, every Blue Pill Elder, and anyone else with authority in the Organization that knew about this case and didn't fall on their sword is unredeemable because they know pedophilia is wrong. That hurting children is wrong. That rape isn't the victim's fault. By sending a letter post verdict enforcing that Elders keep their mouths shut, every authority above Elder is incapable of reforming policy without being suspect. Every Elder that didn't immediately make that letter public is just as accountable.

    This is our moment to be some Inglorious Basterds and make sure that when the "Nazis" lose this war, when they go home and take off their uniform, everyone can still know what they are. Blood denying, death worshipping pedo protectors.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    The problem is that active Witnesses refuse to believe simple facts that are acknowledged by the WT. They dispute that she was ever a victim of Kendrick.

    If the Witness must pay the award, it will not put them out of business. They may hurt bIut it will not cripple them.

    Normal people don't become Witnesses. It draws people who are authority worshippers.

    I agree that the decision should be broadcast at every possible turn. My hunch is that they are so vicious toward Conti precisely b/c of cognitive dissonance. Part of their brain says the WT is immoral. Another part is in denial and needs to cling to WT b/c of the great personal investment. I am glad that they are uncomfortable.

    Clearly, the WT is facing great financial hurdles. I expect their legal fees are going to increase drastically b/c of this case.

  • Kojack57

    Okage: You are exactly right. If any j-dub who stands in defense of the society,when they know of the protection they give Pediophiles, are just as bad as the sex offender. And, that's a person I personally would not associate with because,as you said, they would be just as capable of doing it themselves.

    In my opinion those who remain defending these harmful policies as Governing Body, Elders, Do, Co, m/s, pioneers, rank and file. ( if they are aware of it and do nothing about it then, they should ALL be placed on the sex offender list for all the world to see.)


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    I believe you just coined the term 'blue pill elder'. . . I think I know a couple. . . I could have been one myself. . .

  • willyloman

    Okage, your writing ability is off the charts. Great post!

  • MrFreeze

    Very well put.

  • okage

    CORRECTION: the April 9 2012 BOE letter I mention was sent a month prior to the verdict. It was not sent in contrast to the verdict, but understandably within a window that the Society could gage the outcome given the failed settlement attempt as well as the damaging testimony by their own people.

    My apologies for improperly dating evidence.

  • admirmitch

    Hopped on Wikipedia and saw article on Anti-pedophile activism here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-pedophile_activism One paragraph was in reference to the JWs the next was in reference to Anonymous. I had an interesting thought, since this vigilante group is now involved with catching pedophiles, I wonder if they have ever considered going after the database with the list of over 23,000 names.

  • okage

    i would kill for that list to be made public. it would make the watchtowers ability to deny they have so many pedophiles null.

    if that list was made public and any of those pedophiles had hurt a kid after their name made the list it would ruin the organization.

  • Phizzy


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