How have you fared since leaving the Jehovah's Witnesses?

by God_Delusion 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • DagothUr

    Excellent in all regards.

  • Nambo

    My relationship with God is better as I have been able to discard the Watchtowers propogander that Jehovah only likes perfect people which I never was.

    However, it doesnt bring back the attractive years of my life during which I turned away many "worldly girls" for the "truth", now that I am free, my advanced years deter the prospect of ever knowing the only path to real happiness, which is a wife you Love, Children, family, and a feeling of belonging.

    That hope I still could cling onto in the "truth" whereas now I know it is gone for good.

  • donny

    The last 20 years have been great compared to the previous years as a JW. I can actually decide for myself if a person is "good" or "bad" and I don't waste anymore time going door to door spreading Watchtower propaganda.

  • Quentin

    Some days a diamond, some days a stone. No better, nor worse than the average person faces. The only difference, I no longer have the wt riding me like a donkey. I get to stand on my own two feet and face life as I feel I should, my decisions, my thoughts, my mistakes are mine.

    Vinegar in freedom tastes better than honey in slavery.

  • Farkel

    My life has been very good overall since I left, with a few minor exceptions: I'm bothered by those pesky demons always talking to me and begging me to go to more garage sales. Also, I've not been able to eat split-pea soup anymore. When I do, I spew it out about 8 feet and my head turns around in circles. I do like levitating on the the bed, though. It's fun! I like to sexually pleasure myself using the "Reasoning" book as an adult toy, but that is just harmless fun.

    I also keep having this strange urge to throw priests, COs and JW elders out of third-story windows.

    However, those are only minor issues which I can live with.


  • Quentin

    I don't have demon problems since leaving the wt, wonder why?......Hmmmm, maybe because they already have me and don't have time to persecute an ex- jw. Glad your having fun with yours Farkle...

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    My life has not perfect and uneventful by any measure. It ranks as one of top three major decision in my life. Immediately, I felt at peace. It took a while to learn worldly skills and assimilate more. Yet I would not post here if I were completely free of the influence. I had no choice and much chaos was involved. Violence was ever present in my household and the very bad areas we visited as JWs. Just going to the kH was dangerous. I don't know how I would feel if we attended a suburban KH devoid of inner city issues. I used to pray for a suburban hall. There was reverse prejudice.

    Overall, the world is so wonderful. I had no idea how great it was. Nor did I realize how just being a JW excludes you from being fully human.

    I just go about my business, taking everything for granted, and Witness stuff will invade my brain and I realize what a very long journey I've had. I am ecstatic.

  • lilbluekitty

    My life now, though still a work-in-progress is going quite well for the most part, considering the fact that with the exception of 4 or so members of my family, all now shun me and my uncle is harassing my sister (who also left just recently!) and me. I stopped going to meetings back in July, it will be a year in a week or two(!), started researching JW history and flip-flopping doctrines in October, going to church in November, joined my church in March (or so) and got baptized in my church in April. Non-spiritual news aside I got my ears pierced and got my hair cut quite short right after I stopped going to meetings, started learning to play the ukulele and now I have a job after not having one for nearly 8 years. I've grown much closer to my husband and his family and am making friends for pretty much the first time in my life. I'm considering going back to college soon and learning to drive (if I can get over the fear of it!) and advancing my career. It stinks that most of my family has either treated me so badly or outright shuns me but I'm actually happier now that they aren't constantly beating me down now and i can live my life mostly in peace. I love the freedom of being able to believe what I want and researching the things I believe without fear. I can live without fear now and I feel so much closer to God as well. I truly believe he helped me get out from the Watchtower's mental prison. :)

  • neverscreamagain

    lilbluekitty, good for you!

    One of the counterproductive traits of human nature is we tend to get envious of others that are achieving what we would like to be doing in our own lives. When others see you happy, free, learning and living a great life outside the WT, they want to pull you back in, it is painful to them to see when others prosper. Keep going!

    Great choice on the Ukulele by the way. Any and all college you can attend will always be a plus.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I didn't join .... That doesn't mean I wasn't a nut job.

    Finally confronting the issue of Jehovah not dragging his sorry arse out of the privy and killing me was a godsend.

    Praise the Lord

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