Spare the Rod and spoil the child, How did that work for you

by jam 210 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nambo

    I wish my Mother had spared the "rod", she only ever hit me the once, trouble is, the "rod" she used was my "Secret Sam Rifle"

    it never fired straight after that.

    It was my stepfather who liked the rod, and the mental cruelty he could inflict with it, he would give me sixpence to go down the hardware shop to buy a stick so he could beat me with it, this is quite frighteming for a 4 or 5 year old boy.

    In the end, the most effective physical assault child training I recieved was at my own hands, I was so fed up with myself for saying something that would cause my stepfather to kick me in the stomach or smash his fist in the side of my head, that when I was alone in my room, I would repeatedly punch myself in the face whilst telling myself, "dont talk, dont ever talk" and I would punch away to drive that message home.

    It worked so well that I went from being "the most popular boy in class", to an adult who finds it extremely difficult to have even small talk with others.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    OMG, this thread stirs up such bad memories. Stuff I repressed is jumping out at me. One of the worst things about child beatings is that a child believes it is the child, never the almighty parent. I learned rto disassociate from situations. People are shocked by how casually I apologize for something clearly not my fault. They are horrified by the frequency of the apologies.A teacher could be 100% wrong yet if they made the slightest comment, not even a negative one, I was beat horribly.

    The Ministry School was absolute agony for me. Two weeks before my whatever I would become sick with stomach cramps. Schoolwork and the approval of teachers was so important to me. Yet God was even more important. If I made a flub at eleven years of age, most of the KH laughed at me. My whatever was critiqued as though I were fifty years old and had impressive professional credentials in several areas.

    College was central to my life. It was so much more important to me than for my classmates who never doubted that they would graduate. Through good fortune, hard work, and social policy I was accepted at an Ivy League college. Altho I was very popular in high school, I was terrifed to talk to anyone. I heard how no good I was from birth. College was my exit out of the Witnesses. Besides a few works, I talked to no one for several semesters. People must have thought I was rude. It is a miracle I stayed in school. Of course, if I had confided in one person, my problem would have been largely solved. I felt like I was commiting fraud. All my hopes and dreams seemed dashed. If took several years to assimilate.

    My mother also grew up in abusive JW household and was expelled at fourteen b/c of flag salute problems. She never looked anyone in the eye. Spending a dollar on herself was too much. Her paycheck had to turned over to the my father. This was my role model. Only a few months after leaving the Witness, people remarked at the drastic difference in her. She spoke to people. In the end, she adored livng in Manhattan. Her social skills were so good that a very prestigious pt practice with many celebrity and corporate clients begged her to work for them. She met captains of industry and major film stars. She was so happy. Her interest in porters, supers, retail clerks helped me so much. Countless times an exemption was made for me b/c I was her daughter.

    My whole life has been a massive struggle to overcome my childhod. Something must be done to stop the cycle of abuse from going down countless generations. Adult Children of Alcholics and Dysfunctional Parents provides much info and help in this area. Stumbling through therapy that not so hopeful I came across a rational/cognitive therapy institute. They taught people how to ask for dates, assert themselves, make small talk at parties, dance, etc. It was so pragmatic. Too many other therapists assume b/c these lessons were provided to them,everyone learned them.

    I could not dance b/c my cousin screamed Jehovah would wipe me out. Being a Watusi was being Satanic. I don't think Watusis would agree. Finally, I paid a lot of money for a dance teacher. It also took medical hypnosis to get over my fear. My life is littered with these gems.

  • wasblind

    I didn't spare the rod, and my duaghter knew I wouldn't spare it

    she knew if she had a bad spell, I had the Rx

    she knew the limits wit me, hardly had need to prescribe the rod

  • wasblind

    I didn't spare the rod, and my duaghter knew I wouldn't spare it

    she knew if she had a bad spell, I had the Rx

    she knew the limits wit me, hardly had need to prescribe the rod

  • cofty

    @wasblind - So proud of hitting your child you had to tell us twice.

  • wasblind

    Cofty I didn't have a child that was problematic to me, so spankin's were far and few

    I wasn't a spring chick when I had that child, tryin' to spank her

    at every whim would have gave me a heart attack

    Talkin' goes along way , ain't as physically taxin' either

    and that's not pride , it's an accidental double post


  • wasblind

    double post


  • wasblind

    Cofty I didn't have a problem child, so spankin's were far and few

    I wasn't a spring chick when I had that child, tryin' to spank her

    at every whim would have gave me a heart attack

    Talkin' goes along way , ain't as physically taxin' either

    and that's not pride , it's an accidental double post


  • shepherd

    I was beaten all the time. In fact, if we were told it was time for the 'family study' I knew a beating was due that night because he would soon get frustrated with us all and find some reason to use his belt on my backside.

    He was evil - and a well liked elder.

    When my mother finally told the elders (his friends) what our lives were really like behind closed doors she was told she needed to show him more respect, she needed to read the Bible more and be more cooperative with him. He was given some private advice and although I don't know what they told him, he did lay off for 2 months or so. Of course he remained an elder in good standing.

    When my mother finally left him she was disfellowshipped because she sought refuge at the house of an old friend who had previously been disfellowshipped - so she was mixing with them and that was how they removed that small problem. My father continued as an elder for a while longer, and as my mother had left and got herself disfellowshipped it was assumed by the rest of the congregation she had commited adultery. The elders, and my father, did nothing to squash that rumour.

    I was baptized by that time and I also reported him - that gave the 2 witnesses needed by the cult (although I had also confirmed things before being baptized, that did not count - apparently, in our congregation the 2 witnesses rule only applied if both reporting were in good standing in the congregation - and non-baptized or worldly people were all treated as unreliable and untrustworthy people who could be ignored). So, he decided to resign as an elder. As a result congregation sympathy for him doubled. I was a bad son for reporting him. I even had the scripture read to me how children would turn on their parents - yet HE was the sick violent bastard!!

    For some reason I stayed in the Org. for years after...I must have been really blind. There was never any sign of justice, of love, or of holy spirit. And when I later said that to an elder he said it was a test, that I needed to wait on Jehovah....which is JW code for say nothing about it, do nothing about it, and leave it to an imaginary god to fix some time many years from now. And I fell for it each time.

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    BOTR: yeah, service announcements, or SOMETHING like that might help a lot. I know that groups have done things like that, but it just doesn't happen often enough. At least not here in America.

    I feel so sad for the posters on this thread who have been abused. I don't even know what to say anymore.

    A certain poster's (double) post deserves a big

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