the expression "JDUB"

by wannaexit 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    jgnat, what about the jws that say "Jehovar"?

  • binadub

    The popular term for JWs back in the 90s on the forums was just "dubs". (Hence, my moniker here. :-)


  • eva luna
    eva luna

    Funny, I was thinking about this myself.

    I was talking to an ex-morman missionary and I said JDub as we were discussing our past experiances. He was surprized and said that's what his fellow Missionarie's called them too.

  • pbrow

    I was a born in (around 1980) and almost all my dub friends used the term. I still use the term but now my ex tells my kids that its disrespectful to say it. I just tell them its not disprectful to say your a student at "udub" for uw wisconsin. That seems to have put the issue to rest in their minds.


  • Joliette

    Since we are living in the hip hop technology age this is a quick way of saying Jehovahs Witness.

  • Lied2NoMore

    I coined my own way to ID them years ago that I haven't heard...

    Ho-bee Wee-Bee.... some get it, some need to be told what I mean when I say it

  • jgnat

    Blondie: eeeewwww!

  • tiki
  • Phizzy

    Dear jgnat, is your comment about the pronunciation (and "the god of one name") a tongue in cheek one ? I do hope so.

    My family referred to the "JDubs" decades ago, and they are all JDubs !

  • carla

    My jw used to pronounce jehovah in a really annoying way for a short time (picked it up from dub I suppose) I started to mispronounce his name and asked him if he liked it. He didn't. Then I decided I did not accept jehovah as a real word anyway so he doesn't use it around me at all

    I think jw's go by what everybody else is doing in the hall or maybe the ones they deem the 'cool ones'? (I find typing that concept really hillarious). My jw has used jdub but then later was offended that I used and asked why I use it and where it came from! he became offended by it I guess. aagh, dubs are insane.

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