A Question For the Guys...

by Quendi 40 Replies latest jw experiences

  • JakeM2012

    I grew a beard after every single guy at work had one but me. (Worldly Pier Pressure) I was working in the back country Appalacian area of Tennessee when this happened. I shaved the beard one day, and my daughter and wife said, "grow your beard back!". Ha Ha.

    I will still wear a suit or a tux to special occasions, the orchestra, special night with my wife and I. I've always had a tux but the suits that I buy now are more high fashioned with cuffs on the sleeves of the suit coat, shirts always have cuff links,and I love old western vests. I like to wear high quality clothes and fashionable suits. Ties are optional, but I don't mind spending as much on a tie as most brothers would spend on their suit. Since I am between the age of Brad Pitt and George Clooney, I don't mind showing some class; I've never been cheap. And dignity is not inexpensive.

    I've always had to purchase a 4 door "service car" since youth. I sold the 7 passenger service family van, although I wish I hadn't. I drive a Kawasaki Ninja to work, and have a Datsun 280z in the garage being restored. No more service cars. I think I will always have a motorcycle and a sports car, and when my wife finishes nursing school I can't imagine what price tag her tastes will bring, because she has excellent and expensive taste.

    With all this humilty that I have displayed, since I have had hip surgery I only wear short pants, and will occasionally go to Hooters or similar venues and have fun with the "older" 22-25 year old waitresses and sometimes I will leave a local "economy supporting tip aiding to their higher education" that used to go to a CO. Sorry Co's, I would rather tip a young women that is nice to me, will bring me a beer without asking, and is seeking the condemned higher educaiton than tipping you. Oh, and I don't put the tip in an envelope with a suck up card either since I never got a part on the assembly or convention anyway.

  • JakeM2012
  • Razziel

    Closet full of suits and 150+ ties that are never worn. But the few times I DO need to wear one, I've got plenty to choose from.

  • talesin

    Since I am between the age of Brad Pitt and George Clooney, I don't mind showing some class; I've never been cheap.

    Priceless! ROFL!


    Razzi,,, me, too. Okay, I'm not a guy, so I will shut up now.


  • Razziel

    Well my fiancee has suggested many, many times that I give it all up to Goodwill, but I just can't do it. Those clothes have memories, both good and bad, particularly the ties. I'd give up the suits if I had to, but I have memories associated with almost all of the ties.

  • talesin

    Okay, one more comment, at least...

    Razzi, I so agree!

    I gave a lot of clothes to charity,,, expensive suits and such .. and now regret it. Hang on to your stuff until YOU feel comfortable with getting rid of it.



  • sooner7nc

    I hate moustaches (they tickle me nose) but have a short chinstrap beard. Haven't wore a tie in 3 years and don't plan on ever wearing one again unless it has a naked lady on it.

  • talesin
  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    Winter: khaki pants & color polo shirt

    Summer: khaki shorts & color polo shirt

    Ooh, dangerous!

  • doofdaddy

    I threw out all clothes that even reminded me of jws. No suits, ties "dress shirts" etc. Current look is a number 2 hair cut with a plaited goatee, many tatts, wool beanie,jeans or khaki work pants, Doc Martin boots (Winter). As little as possible in Summer, board shorts, tee or cotton shirts,sandals, even to work. Nothing to the beach! LOL! Yeah I live in a sparsely populated area thank god!

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