WTS cannot take a "kinder, gentler" stand on GLBT

by irondork 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • irondork

    In another thread, Socrateswannebe shared district convention notes:

    A Kinder, Gentler Jehovah Emerges at the 2012 DC?


    Socrateswannabe: "Let it be known that we honor men and women of all sorts, regardless of their sexual orientation." The speaker said that the bible doesn't comment on genetic issues and so the organization likewise can make no comment on that aspect of the issue...

    LET IT BE KNOWN that this is a load of crap! Even if that statememnt were written on page one of every piece of WTS literature from now until the end of the overlapping generations, it would still be a load of crap. The truth of the situation that actually exists on the ground, in the halls, by elders and drones alike is a complete and utter disdain and disrespect for any GLBT person who is "out" and open about it. In-house shunning, jokes, laughter... don't be fooled by the statement above. It's like the U.S. Congress passing a Bill of Rights and then saying, "There! Problem Solved."

    The reality comes nowhere near the delusion.

    Also, in grand WTS tradition, there is no apology for the trail of blood and dead bodies left in the wake of their old, hard-line approach toward GLBT. That right there speaks to how disingenuous they are on this. It used to be that the bible clearly states that gay people chose to be gay. Quoting Romans 1:26,27 as evidence, "... for both their females changed the natural use of themselves into one contrary to nature; and likewise even the males left the natural use of the female", "it is clear that these sodomites chose to be what they are!"

    The contradiction is appalling! In order to use that scripture to support an anti-gay position, the reader MUST conclude that homosexuality is a choice and not a biological or genetic disposition.

    Rather than see the scripture for what it is saying, i.e., talking about HETEROSEXUALS violating the sexuality they were designed with (study the customs of Romans at that time to understand why this counsel would be necessary), they have chosen what they want it to say, i.e. a blank statment that gay people chose to be gay.

    NOW, they want to tone down the message?

    They can't! It is a glaring contradiction! For them to say that the bible does not speak on genetic issues means they MUST abandon Romans 1 in their defence of a GOD HATES FAGS policy... the REAL policy that is practiced by Jehovah's Witnesses around the globe!!!

  • Scully

    I see this as a for-public-consumption message. They often soft-peddle their beliefs in the interests of not scaring off the non-JW visitors who might be at the District Convention™.

    There has been so much in the news recently about bullying occurring in schools of GLBTQ kids to the point of their wanting to (and sometimes succeeding to) commit suicide. Youth are one of their prime targets - kids seeking to rebel against their parents' rules, explore different experiences, etc. To tell a kid who identifies as "different" from everyone else because of their orientation, that they will be accepted regardless of their sexual orientation, is - to put it quite bluntly - bait to these vulnerable individuals.

    To me, it is a disgusting ploy to lure in fragile personalities with a promise of unconditional acceptance, only to switch to a message that promotes unequivocal self-loathing for the person they are once they have been ensnared.

    Then again, with the new "research" into the born-this-way nature of certain pedophiles, maybe the message is for them too.

  • transhuman68

    I guess the Watchtower can abandon any scripture they want to- just by not referring to it. But they will never abandon their position- the demographics of the Witnesses makes that certain: on average poor, undereducated, working-class people- they aren't going to be gay-tolerant.

  • WTWizard

    I see the "kinder, gentler" message as a scam intended to keep people within the organization if they mess up. Without it, people would feel that they might as well leave the cancer and then they don't get any control or money. A more supposedly forgiving attitude comes with the admonition that you still need to buckle down and kiss butts with the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger.

    And yes, I believe they are going to persist with their zero tolerance policies for gay and lesbian people. All the while they pair people with same-sex partners whenever possible (and for longer-term situations, where homosexual relationships are more likely to develop especially in the absence of opposite sex company). They are, as usual, creating the problem and then suppressing it. So you now have two problems--homophobia, and the vigorous suppression of natural sex (gay or straight). Also, this problem of suppressing natural sex can only aggravate their pedophile problem.

  • Quendi

    In the years I sought reinstatement, my judicial committee and I had many a debate over what the Scriptures really said about how God views us. I had done my homework and was always ten steps ahead of them. I suppose that is why in the end I was told reinstatement would be granted only if I acknowledged the organization (read Governing Body) as the exclusive channel God was using to communicate divine truth to all of humanity. There was no way I would do that and so we parted ways for good.

    I was told to read WTS literature on homosexuality and conform to its thinking. I told the committee that my investigation had shown the literature and thinking of the WTS was "inadequate, incomplete and insufficient". I told them the WTS and its stance toward GLBT people had undoubtedly contributed to the suicide of many young Witnesses and furthermore had led to the unwise and unhappy marriages of others. In turn I was told how "spiritually sick" I was and that I clearly was not in full possession of my mental faculties.

    The WTS and its officers have an undiluted fear and hatred of GLBT people, particularly the young. They bash us over the head with their interpretation of the Bible. They employ a carrot-and-stick approach to get us to conform to their way of thinking. They lie and deceive by saying that ours is a condition that can be "cured" by prayer, meeting attendance and field service, and that our natural inclinations are 'abominable', 'flithy' and 'disgusting'. And if the world at large is moving toward acceptance of GLBT people, the WTS remains adamant in its opposition. For the occasional article in its publications advocating an understanding of and empathy for GLBT people, there are many others telling us that everlasting destruction is our lot if we don't change our ways.

    One of my remaining Witness friends is a celibate gay man who is struggling with loneliness, isolation and frustration. I am thinking of how to get him to at last consider getting out for good and living his life to the full as he was meant to. I'd welcome any suggestions about how to do this and want to thank you in advance for them. As far as I'm concerned, the WTS and its religion is no place for any GLBT person. We are not wanted. We are feared, despised, and even loathed. That will never change and so the best thing is to leave if we find ourselves still inside and never enter if we aer approached and offered a study. After all, it is our mental, emotional, spiritual, and even physical well-being that is at stake.


  • wasblind

    This is a religion that has changed it's stance on blood fractions

    What does this have to do with their stand on GLBT ?????

    " There the eating of blood is equated with idolitry and fornication, things that we should not want to engage in."________Reasoning book page 71

    " Similarly, any food to which whole blood or even some blood fractions has been added should not be eaten."_____Reasoning book page 71

    The WTS seem mighty hypocritical on their application of sinful things

  • irondork

    Quendi, you have shared your experience with us on the forum and some in private email with me. I'm curious, you said you were well versed and ten steps ahead of the elders on a number of topics. Their final statement on the matter was that you had to accept WTS literature as the final authority on the matter. We all know that the governing body and the literature are held in higher regard, greater authority than the bible, but did they at least TRY to respond to the scriptural points you were making?

    Did they at least pretend they were interested in what the bible really teaches or try to present themselves as taking a personal interest in you, your thoughts, your "plague"? Or was it mostly mechanical, cut and dry, swallow it or else?

    In all fairness, when I got reinstated, there was one elder on the committe who was absolutely kind, caring, respectful. I think he really tried to compensate for what he saw in the other two elders. I wish I could name him just as a compliment. But the other two (as well as other elders in the cong.) were everything I came to fear as child and hate as an adult. The one good apple was not enough to offset the true nature of that whore house.

  • james_woods

    Roughly the same public consumption stance as claiming that nobody in the WTBTS is "forced" to reject blood transfusions, and that nobody is "shunned" for taking one.

    It is a cold-hearted plain, simple, lie in the name of PR.

  • MrFreeze

    But the GB feels free to make comments on all kinds of stuff that isn't in the Bible. Like organ transplants and blood transfusions.

  • james_woods
    But the GB feels free to make comments on all kinds of stuff that isn't in the Bible. Like organ transplants and blood transfusions.

    And oral sex for people who are married...

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