You lucky people get an entire week without me....

by EntirelyPossible 30 Replies latest jw experiences

  • EntirelyPossible

    when i close my laptop tonight, I am sleeping for a few hours, taking a plane to LAX, going fishing off the coast of Catalina, playing golf, going to Bishop to go trout fishing for a few days, taking the redeye back, picking up my kids and taking them to the zoo.

    So, when, shortly, I close my laptop, it will be roughly one week hence before you have the pleasure of my wit, comedy and all around general awesomeness.

    Have a hell of week, folks.

  • mrsjones5

    Have fun EP. See ya later.

  • ammo

    Yay F.... Off shitstirrer!

    whiney enough for you now?

  • EntirelyPossible

    I have to say, Jonesie, from you, I expected at LEAST an awesome 90's reference like "Yo Holmes, smell ya later!"

    On a side note, in a meeting about a year ago with 15 or so people in it, one (white) guy made reference to born in East Philadeplia. I asked "Is ther playground where you spent most of your days?" I walked that poor bastard through the entire Fresh Prince theme song and only one guy got it.

    So sad. How can someone from the 90's not immediately know the Fresh Prince of Bel Aire theme song?

    /I got in one little fight and mom got scared, she said "you're gonna live with auntie and uncle in bel aire"

  • sizemik

    A new golf course? . . . sounds great.

  • mrsjones5

    " I have to say, Jonesie, from you, I expected at LEAST an awesome 90's reference like "Yo Holmes, smell ya later!"

    Aw EP, really? I'm not that cool but thank you for thinking so.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Sizemik, are you anywhere near donnington park? A few weeks ago I was desperatly trying to figure out how I could be there on a sunday until like, midnight and then be in boston in the US by noon on monday. didn't work out, my goal was to see Metallica and Black Sabbath in concert.

    And yes, golf at a nerw course. I take it you play? I and my son both play. I am in love with the game and the life lessons.

  • EntirelyPossible

    You are at least way cooler than that, Jonesie. Damn shame you're married, at least for my fantasies. ;)

  • sizemik
    I take it you play?

    Obviously you've forgotten my hole-in-one 6 months ago. I'm glad I was here to remind you.

    I haven't played golf outside of NZ . . . but we have some great courses here.

    Have a good one.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Catch ya on the flipside.
    Peace out bro.
    Adidas amigo.
    Later gater.
    Seeya, wouldn't wanna be ya.
    Until we meet again. (Tipping hat)
    We'll hold the fort down for ya.
    May the force be with you.

    You and your hockey team are getting the puck outta here? We'll keep the home ice smooth.

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