Woman jumps into pool during Long Beach DC!

by puffthedragon 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • TimeBandit

    She should have brought a fake turd along and released it into the pool. I bet the pool would have been empty in no time!


  • diamondiiz

    Should go there and get unbaptized, wear a white t-shirt with apostate in black on the inside so when one gets dipped and comes out from underneath the water the "apostate" shows through the white t-shirt :) that would be kind of funny to see the look on the dubs

  • FlyingHighNow

    I hope that she was NOT a faithful JW. It would be fun to see this take off like the Streaker fad in the 70's.

    I'm thinking that and someone having Sparlock toys made and then setting up kiosks from which to sell them in the DC parking lots.

  • caliber

    I think she may have been refused baptism and been told to wait and said "To hell with that " I think she got her full water immersion !

    I know a guy who was refused so at the large assembly he put on his trunks and got in line ! He was stopped however..

    she by-past all that and went straight into the pool

  • chichimama_2

    "Self babtism." There's a concept.


    I can just see it now,

    she thinks she is really a babtized JW because she made her vow to Jehovah in prayer before she took the plunge.

    So claims she is a babtized Jehovah's Witnesses to everyone she comes accross for the rest of the assembly, at the Kingdom Hall when she gets home,and out in service.

    There will be nothing the elders can say that will convince her otherwise.

    So the elders have to form the first Judicial commitee for the disfellowshipping of a person who was never really a JW in the first place.

    There might be an interesting announcement at the KH along with a special talk.

    Because they couldn't allow a person to run ahead of the FDS.

    Anyoneone nutty enough to do what she did probably wouldn't listen to anything they said.

    Too funny!

    AKA ,


  • sd-7

    It happens at the beginning of the video, and I just can't stop laughing throughout the entire rest of the video. Ha ha! I just love how helpless the attendant was to stop her! Beautiful! Beautiful! Ha ha ha!!


  • Diest

    Diamond that would be awesome....

  • Finally-Free

    Maybe the JWs were too cheap to turn on the A/C for the convention, and she just needed to cool off.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    She knows she's annointed already and didn't need to be baptised by a lowly Paradise bound Jonadab.

  • neverscreamagain


    That attendant has been workin his way up to that assignment for 20 years now. His next privilege is going to be handing out the single paper towel in the men's room.

    Or maybe holding up a sign in front of a converted women's restroom that says: Nursing Mothers Only.

    Does the saying: "No good deed goes unpunished" apply here? HeHeHe!

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