Do you really thing the GB has a clue of the affect they have on the R&F?

by mynameislame 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    Does it really matter?

    Whether they do or don't, they could careless and that's the real issue.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I feel that whe it comes to technology, and the way information is available to people now, they are waaaaaay behind the curve. But I honestly think that they are well aware of the absolute control they have of the drones who attend each week. For every stinky policy, flatulated to the congregations, the majority are there to suck it up

  • apostatethunder

    I think the GB are not the ones pulling the strings. They put the face, but there are many other interests at stake. They have to trust in the people they have around, and some of them are possibly working against the organization, others probably want to impose their own view and are the ones responsible for some of the most extreme policies. There are also the share of incompetent ones that every organization has, possibly the ones involved in the Sparlockgate.

    If they started as r&f it means they were believers at some point at least. They probably believe in what they do at some level without necessarily believing it is the truth. In any case power tends to corrupt and they have a lot of it.

  • AwareBeing

    wha happened? is right that the oldies in NY are unable to keep pace with the advancing techno info.

    When those that advise them of it gets lost in translation, their responses have a broad-range effect.

    This in turn; comes off as overbearing and at times, intrusive at best for die hard born-ins or converts.

    So the question at this point is: "When will the R&F get a clue that the WT's GB isn't the one in the Bible?"

  • 00DAD

    Not only are they CLUELESS, they clearly don't even CARE!

  • Dagney

    IMHO, they don't care one bit about the R & F. Name one thing they have done for them. They are takers. What they do care about is the control over them.

  • kurtbethel

    There are certainly some of them, perhaps not all, but some of them know exactly what they are doing. The carefully crafted manipulative language is not accidental. Even worse, there are some of them who know exactly what suffering their directives are causing, and they feed off of that negative energy. It is like a savory sweet incense to them. If you are not a psychopath, you will likely never understand this.

  • 00DAD

    AwareBeing: "When will the R&F get a clue that the WT's GB isn't the one in the Bible?"

    They are, and we are here. We need to reach more.

  • AwareBeing

    It may take a collaborative of us conscience independents,

    and definitely GOD's doing to reach the R&F still trapped in.

    A few core beliefs, small goals, and briefly stated facts about WT's "GB";

    could go a long way in drawing us together in the Christ without the WT's lies.

    Such a collaborative would have to be with out negativity, dogma, and cliques!

    That's what drew most into the WT;

    and that technique in reverse, can help in their exit.

    We'd need to keep it concise, simple and appealing.

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