Do you really thing the GB has a clue of the affect they have on the R&F?

by mynameislame 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mynameislame

    I work at a very recognizable company (Hint they are the father (mother?) of the TLA). As one of the Rank and File at that company I can say even my direct manager has no clue what my job is like on a day to day basis. Forget about the next manager up the chain they are utterly clueless to what is really going on around them. The things that come out of their mouths amaze me.

    I can't imagine how that happens but it obviously does. You will never convince me that the same thing isn't going on inside the Borg. The minute you become a servant you forget where you came from and the same thing goes for the next step when moving to elder-hood. I had a good friend that was a servant who became an elder and the instant he became an elder he went from being encouraging to being judgmental.

    There must be some sort of psychological study on it, if not there should be, maybe that will be my claim to fame.

  • ShirleyW

    I must be out of touch since I don't know what TLA stands for like i guess everyone else does.

  • mynameislame

    I guess I assumed everyone knew to search google for TLA

  • AwareBeing

    Over the decades, our family has meet many COs and

    their the "representatives of the faithful and discreet slave!"

    Some have been admirable on the surface,

    but some of the more recent COs are paranoid and suspicious.

    You get what you put into something.

    In the corporate office a freaked-out supervisor can do a lot of damage to the workers,

    since head quarters have a warped view of the little guys;

    as based on the insane opinion of one supervisor.

  • diamondiiz

    Not all managers moved up the corporate ladder to where they are today but many have got themselves evil education and learned to manage business without needing to know the details of you job. Few are good at it, many aren't.

    GB on the other hand, moved up from within r&f, so they know exactly how they were affected by wts and how they affect r&f. They are like those managers who weaseled themselves up to their post and treat people beneath them like dirt.

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    "TLA Releasing specializes in Gay and Lesbian films. We also have our Danger After Dark label which focuses on extreme genre films from around the world." according to Google and Yahoo.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    I see the GB as reactive product magangers, (separate from the corporate mangement which i think is as clever as a room full of mafia lawyers).

    the GB react to what the underling reports upline, they learn what is going down and get the writing dept to spin some new shit to try to control it. On top of that, they read here and other sites and construct stratagies to deal with what they are learning.


  • mP

    Simple answer is like all leaders, they dont care. The higher you go up in any heirarchy the more vile the person. As a general rule thats quite true.

  • AwareBeing

    Very true diamondiiz, that the GB "hears" how they effect the r&f,

    but are in denial and do not respond responsibly.

    As for business training; I've found a college book at a garage sale,

    and it shows how workers are changed by being promoted.

    This information detains the negative effects on people used by management.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    I agree the GB is clueless.

    When I used to work for the government. The people higher up the ladder always forgot where they came from.

    They didnt care. I got mine. You get yours.

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