It makes me sick that Jehovahs Witnesses Kids cannot play organized sports but it is okay for them to watch others play.

by Iamallcool 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • designs

    I made it a goal to have both of my children play sports in Junior High and High School.

  • daringhart13

    My mother ignored the elders and I was a football star for many years. Then I grew up to become an elder.

    I tried to keep my only son out of sports, but we divorced and his mother let him have a normal life.....I am so indebted to her for that.....

    Then I started studying hard.....realized I was in a cult. Now it all makes me physically ill too.........heartbreaking.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Yes totally agree. I did a mini rebellion in my late teens because of a conflict of my sports practise which was on a meeting night and nearly left the 'truth' because of it. To play in the team you had to attend most all practices, which were on Tuesday and Thursday nights. In the end I gave up the sport because I was a crushed, subservient brainwashed dubbie. Really sad looking back.

  • jam

    Ryan Hollins (Boston Celtics Basketball player), as for as

    I know, his father is still an Elder. Ryan played high

    school basketball. So, if his son can play in sports why

    not mine. At the time I attended that congregation, I

    knew of several MS and Elders kids in the sports and

    entertainment field. Of course this is California.

  • WTWizard

    They would rather have the witlesses wasting all their time in field circus instead of enjoying life. All to make them unable to fit in outside the cancer.

  • mercedes_29

    I played field hockey in high school and caught hell for it even though I wasn't baptised. It used to really irk me that playing sports was taboo but spending hundreds of dollars to go watch football or baseball was alright. There were even a few elders who hosted wild Super Bowl parties and no one thought twice about it.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    I'm 60 years old been out of the tower since 83.

    I always describe my life experience as an observer, it must be because I was born and raised

    a witness.

  • exwhyzee

    I've always been a good swimmer and diver my non believing father was a local hero of sorts in his town in Europe and taught us well. I was asked to be on the swim team in High School after the Coach saw me swimming in PE. I didn't even consider it after seeing all those dramas and demo's. at the assemblies I knew what the answer would be...."no can do...that's bad association" Mom's JW rules trumped Dad's wishes so instead I went home where there was notihing to do after school and watched reruns of Gilligan's Island and can remember the plots verbatim to this day. How I wished I could have had that simple pleasure and experience.

    I decided that my kids weren't going to have this happen. I put my boys in the local basketball league l at age 6 and they continued with that until age 12. It was great to see the impact it had on them in terms of gaining confidence and social skills. Both of them were on the swim team and wrestling team through junior high and High School with much supervision from us. We allowed them to go to the dances and my youngest Son was voted Homecoming King but We couldn't discuss any of this with any of the relatives but when they and other JW's saw their trophies or pictures in the paper, there was much pursing of lips and concerned looks. It would have been nice if their Pioneer Grandmother or aunts and uncles would have came to one of their matches or events.

    Now that the Boys are grown, they play Hockey and Lacrosse locally. When I see them able to interact well with others and still enjoying these activities, I'm glad they can look back on their childhood and youth and not feel like they missed out on everything because I let some religious fanatic old men or judgemental relatives decide how they should be raised.

  • Iamallcool

    good for you and your kids, exwhyzee!

  • UnConfused

    I let my son play and coached too. He won MANY championships as a vital member of our baseball teams and played HS Hockey. By then we had faded. No one gave me a hard time about it as they knew it's not "technically" wrong and that I would challange/push back.

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