Did You Feel Like A Pest When You Went House To House?

by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • yknot

    Sigh.... great point about appearances Min!

    They don't even sell kids suits locally..... gotta drive to the nearest metropolis or order online.

    Thinking about the other churches in my area..... kids all wear casual.

    Heck ... most pastors wear khakis and polos!

    Losch got his wish... I can spot a JWkid and FSpairings a mile away.....

  • Azazel

    Never once in 40 years can i remember feeling comfortable in door to door field service. I hated intruding upon others with a subject they woudnt want to discuss. The whole door to door thingy is a door to door salesman routine.

    Didnt JC tell his disciples to go to the towns market and teach then go when invited to their home?

    I would have been more comfortable setting up a stall at the markets and have a sign "Free oecumenical conversations here" and let them come and talk if they want to. That way i could have sat and read a book and counted the time! too easy but no lets piss people off at their homes instead.


  • steve2

    I felt like such a pest that I fumigated myself each night before field service, yet still managed to shuffle my sorry arse around the territory. After feebly introducing myself at the door, I'd close by saying, "Please excuse me for existing". Householders would often say, "Apology accepted. Now kindly f*#k off".

    At special times such as auxiliary pioneering - I felt an even lowlier blowfly that I carried cannisters of fly spray in the car. Upon my desperate request, fellow JWs would willingly spray me, suit and mis-matching tie included. I'd stumble and bumble my way home, have a cup of mouldy fly-blown soup and come evening, the fumigation process would start all over again.

    It took me years to awaken from this pest-ridden lifestyle. Now I fly around, the wind under my wings and catch the glistening rays of door-knobs unknocked and householders unharrassed. Now joyous thoughts fill what's left of my once-sprayed brain such as "Wow, I no longer arrive of doorsteps to even have to f*#k off. How good is that?"

    Sales of cans of flysprays and industrial-strength fumingants plummeted after I left the organization - even though, to be fair, brothers and sisters viewed me more as a mosquitoe than blow-fly they refrained from spraying me unless I requested it. I will never forget their buying-into efforts to wipe out every trace of pesthood from my poor, frazzled blow-fly brain. With so many legs, it is hard for me to get down on my grateful knees - but if I could, I would and to the local witnesses who colluded with my attempts to wipe myself out, I'd say, "F*#k off - or I'll spray the living daylights out of you!"

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Yes I did. I felt like a pest that was uninvited, and unappreciatted. I absolutely hated the field service as a result

  • Kojack57

    I remember going out in service on new years day and the householder telling me REALLY on new years day? I felt ashamed but at the time I thought I was doing the right thing. I felt like an idiot!


  • minimus

    It was really bad when we mistakenly went to a Do Not Do. Scary!

  • OMJ

    While an uberdub I would've never admitted this, but, hell.......I despised field service!!! worst thing, now that I think about it, is how I had to pretend i loved it. I LIED! THEY ALL LIE! it feels really really good to be honest with myself now.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I hate it so much even when I was pioneering, I thought something was wrong with me as everyone seemed to enjoy it so much. No one has ever had a bad day in service was all I heard as a kid growing up. I had tons of bad days. Hated every minute and hated beating myself up so much over how much I hated it it was such a horrible cycle.


  • puffthedragon

    When I was a like 13 and had no choice but to go out, I remember one holiday, I think it was thanksgiving we were out and the householder said something to the effect of "Are you really bothering my family on thanksgiving?" The brother said "Oh its thanksgiving, I didn't know, we don't celebrate that, but while I am here can I share you a scripture that will show you who we should really give thanks to?"

    I couldn't believe that the elder was lying at the householders door. I told my dad about it but he told me to forget about it.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    Every minute of my D2D experience was filled with shame and reluctance. I especially hated it when I had to go to a door and one of my schoolmates answered. I hated every thing about field service.

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