where can I find a good woman?

by honestlysweetguy 32 Replies latest social relationships

  • Elsewhere

    Give it up Honestlysweetguy, women only go for the assholes.

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126

    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • Prisca


    With an attitude like that, it's no wonder you're still single.

  • cellomould

    LOL LOL LOL Wick!

    You really are too funny! Didn't I warn you about that before? Don't make me tell you again, or else!

    That's funny to me because, a year after leaving my old congo, I still daydream about quite a few of the women there. I hope they are doing the same about me. Hehehe hehe he.

    There is one in particular that I can't get out of my mind. She is quiet, but very intelligent and adorable. And, she works at the hospital at my university. I would really like to get to know her better.

    For her, I'd go to the memorial + all the meetings for as long as it took.

    What do you think?


    "In other words, your God is the warden of a prison where the only prisoner is your God." Jose Saramago, The Gospel According to Jesus Christ

  • ring

    we seem to be having a run this month of nice guys that
    are having a tough time finding women, so I'd like to
    help you.
    Your choice in your username.


    Right away women assume that you are boring.
    Your first comment.

    I am a very sweet 22 year old male

    This is something you need to prove to women, not
    tell them. Let them decide.


    For some reason, I can't seem to find a decent
    Lower your standerds, there are no virgin supermodels left
    in the world.
    when they find out I'm studying the bible
    This has never been a good pickup line to use. Keep
    this a secret until they get to know you better. After they
    get to know you, they will have to take the bad with the good.
    I want someone to love me for me
    Women see you write this, and right away they assume you're
    the kind of guy that will stalk them if they try to end
    it with you.
    no questions, no lies, no games
    Perhaps you should think about getting a pet instead.
    where can i find a decent woman?
    I do agree with the other posters here in your case.
    Join a church group. You will be in "hog heaven" at
    your local Kingdom Hall. There are many single 18-40
    year old women there looking for a man like you that
    has an interest in having a relationship with God.
    please help.
    I hope I have
  • Xena
    Sure sweet,innocent, gullible young Sir, I know a nice girl for ya.....

    yes dirty larry???? lol hhhmmm well I am a girl/woman anyway...but nice??? guess that depends on your defination!

    For some reason, I can't seem to find a decent
    Lower your standerds, there are no virgin supermodels left
    in the world.
    With you there ring!

    So sweet guy why don't you tell us exactly what you are looking for...what do you consider a "decent" girl?? Maybe then we can be of some help....

  • honestlysweetguy

    I want someone who will respect me as an individual. Looks don't matter a great deal to me. Someone to "cuddle" on the couch with, someone to go out and do things with. Someone to hold, kiss, cherish, love... someone to need. Someone with morals. Someone for me.

  • Xena
    Someone with morals.

    hhhmmm well you lost me on that one..

    Seriously though there were some good suggestions here on how to meet women...why not try them and report back...

  • morrisamb

    Ring gave great advice.

    Hey, do you believe in In praise of Older Women?
    Cause my Ma is single, devout, faithful...
    just kidding, to quote her, "I don't need a man"

    You are only 22!! I didn't go on a date until I was 25/26...don't rush it...focus on other things and it might come to you!


    GOOD at what? Sex. washing dishes/ cooking great like dear old mom used to do GOOD HELP IS SO HARD TO FIND ASK MY DAUGHTER...I would apply but u r 22 and I am 56 / my daughter is 30..so I really do not know what to say but if you are looking for a mother figure I HAVE BEEN AN OK mother my SON

  • Faraon
    I want someone who will respect me as an individual.

    Don't look into kingdoom hells. They are already in love with the borg. You'll always come in second. Expect the missionary only.

    Looks don't matter a great deal to me.

    I know plenty of "bag" ladies.

    Someone to "cuddle" on the couch with,

    They usually expect more than a "cuddle"

    someone to go out and do things with.

    You'll be limited to meetings and field services.

    Someone to hold, kiss, cherish, love... someone to need.

    To need what? If you treat'em like princessess all the time, you'll wind up being their slave. What you want is someone who is willing to be your partner and friend above all. It is also wise to choose someone who is not dead from the waist down.

    Someone with morals. Someone for me.

    You'll find a lot of them. Oh, I thought you said "some morons".

    All women have morals,

    some have good morals, others have bad morals. It also depends on what your definition of morals is. Usually people refer to morality as something to do with sex. IMO someone who has other men as her head rather than her husband is an adultress. People who let other people die because of blood transfusions have no morals. People who hide pedophiles have no morals. People who need an organization to tell them what is allowed in the bedroom have no morals.

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