Those of you in relationships, when your partner gets clingy, is it flattering, irritating? How do you deal with it?

by La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!! 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bella15

    Irritating ... bordering manipulation which is something I really hate ...

  • sd-7
    sd-7 What is this 'clingy' you speak of? Well, in my case, it's only so far as I can be useful in helping out with stuff. Were it not for that, I suppose there'd be no reason for her to cling, other than to protect the investment and make sure I'm not pretending to go to work and sneaking off to see 'The Avengers' or something. (I haven't done that. Not yet, at least.) Then again, there's all that association with those who do not love Jehovah, as well as known apostates, those who actively despise him and true worship. Were I to encounter them in person, surely I would fall into immoral conduct! Thus, how urgent a need it is for her to pay close attention to my conduct and thus ensure it is chaste!


  • sd-7
    SD, are you out parataking of orgies with apostates and The Avengers again? You need closer supervision.

    This may seem to be the case. However, is it a reasonable conclusion? Let us examine the facts. Proof of sd-7 Loyalty Evidently, Jehovah and Jesus trust sd-7. Thus, does not sd-7 deserve our trust? He has most certainly proven worthy of that trust. Consider: despite a second successful weekend at the box office for 'The Avengers', sd-7 has yet to go see it. Also, he has carefully avoided isolating himself with either apostates or those devoid of moral sense. Does this not prove the loyalty of sd-7? How can we show that we trust sd-7? By loyally submitting to his direction. Our humbly doing so will bring us rich blessings both now and in the future. --sd-7

  • mrsjones5

    I highly recommend seeing The Avengers. I'm not much of a movie goer and hubby had to talk me into going (he pouted) but I really enjoyed that flix and would see it again.

  • NewChapter

    Proof of sd-7 Loyalty Evidently, Jehovah and Jesus trust sd-7. Thus, does not sd-7 deserve our trust? He has most certainly proven worthy of that trust. Consider: despite a second successful weekend at the box office for 'The Avengers', sd-7 has yet to go see it. Also, he has carefully avoided isolating himself with either apostates or those devoid of moral sense. Does this not prove the loyalty of sd-7? How can we show that we trust sd-7? By loyally submitting to his direction. Our humbly doing so will bring us rich blessings both now and in the future. OH YEAH. You are guilty as hell.

  • sd-7

    LOL...that's classic, NewChapter. But really, I haven't seen it. Really. I've been trying to work on my next issue of The Beast-Tower, an article to counter interest in 'The Dark Knight Rises', titled 'The Daystar Rises--Will You See It?' or something like that...

    I do wonder what reprisals will come once sd-7's true identity is found by someone I know. There'll probably be rioting, book burning, all kinds of stuff. Then I'll know the true meaning of clingy. But that's what makes it so fun--the risk of getting caught! It's so exciting! "'I always looked forward to new issues because looking at the old ones wasn't as exciting. It's habit-forming.' But is it a good habit?"

    Well...I'm sorry for creating a tangent here, this ain't all about me. And for real, I haven't seen 'The Avengers' or gone to any meetups or stuff like that...nothing like that going on since last year, I should think... As long as it's a good clingy, it's not so bad. Just don't expect to watch the game every Sunday or something, know what I mean?


  • MC RubberMallet
    MC RubberMallet

    "Word? That's how we livin'? All up on me for no reason? MC RubberMallet ain't wit it!... You really gon' stay in my face still?"

    Relationship over...

  • mamalove

    I have noticed some men need a lot more affirmation then I would have guessed. If someone get's too up in my zone, I usually say that I need some me time, and no offense but I need to chill by myself. The whole manipulation thing is very annoying when they want you to do something and you say no, and they keep at it. I am pretty blunt now, and just say how I feel. I am not afraid to be alone, so take it or leave it. But I try to say it in a kind way if possible.

  • flipper

    Sir Senor, Miz, No Room For George- Whoever the hell you are - I think that something that hasn 't been touched on here is that for both men and women there are times when both sexes may feel more clingy due to going through stresses brought on by difficult life situations where one or both of the partners need a shoulder to cry on or rest your head on. When my wife is feeling stressed and perhaps more needy at times - I feel complimented that she wants to cuddle, cling, or rest her head on my shoulder, it makes me feel she can rely on me for emotional support.

    And the opposite is true - if I'm feeling down and need a hearing ear or just an emotional support or cuddle I don't mind clinging onto her - she's always there for me , it's part of what makes a happy relationship when both people can be there for one another.

    There are ways to handle it if a partner is clinging to you and you need to be somewhere - just kindly say " Sweetie, we'll talk about it after I get home, just know I care and I'm here for you. " I mean, let's face reality- everybody here has some insecurities , some more than others - it's not necessarily a weakness to reveal those insecurities to your partner- in fact - it takes more strength to open up and be trusting with a partner that they'll listen to you in order to really understand your issues and vice versa. Just my 2 cents

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Doesn't everyone go through bouts of neediness and personal assertiveness. So much would depend on the circumstances. If someone were going through a bona fide life crisis, it would not bother me in the short run b/c I will soon, in time, be in their place. Househusbands and needy men who are always needy repulse me. I like being a strong female. My socialization from society is to play that role. I will not support a sissy man.

    I don't understand how sissy men get wives but they do.

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