Urgent - Any Atheists Want to be on BBC Radio 4?

by cofty 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Andrew Sh
    Andrew Sh


    Sorry i forgot all about my post on:-

    Are exJW's not entitled to quote or interpret scriptures in minds of Christians that were never JW's?

    I have replied to you now for the first part.


  • Phizzy

    I have e-mailed Ms Duffy as I fit the bill rather well, without the Internet I would still be in the bloody cult !

    Let's hope I can contribute in some way, I used the opportunity to alert her to the DF/Shunning policy, and though this has nothing to do with the purview of her forthcoming programme, I suggested it could be the basis of a future BBC programme, so we shall see.

    p.s the e-mail didn't want to go using the upper-case "E" as it is written above,i.e Elizabeth, so I used lower case "e", elizabeth, and it seems to have gone O.K

  • Phizzy

    I have just received an e-mail back from Elizabeth Duffy, and she needs people who are free to share their identity as well as their story, which puts me and Cedars and people in our position, faders who don't want to be DA'd or DF'd, out of the frame.

    So, people who are free, if they fit the bill, get in touch with her ! this programme could have a large effect.

  • cofty

    Thanks for the updates. Please pass it on to anybody who you think would fit the bill.

    I am sure ther is no requirement to be British to apply.

  • tootired2care
  • cantleave

    Well I haven't got a response back at all.

  • cofty

    Give her a ring

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