Kids and Baths:)

by mommy 24 Replies latest social family

  • Billygoat

    These pics are sooo cute! I've got a few of myself, but they were when I was about 1 or 2.

    I remember a long time ago seeing soaps that looked like Crayolas. It colored skin the color of the crayon, but sudsed right off. I remember them when I was babysitting as a teenager and it made giving children baths a cinch. They couldn't wait to get in the tub to "color". Do they still make those???


    I love taking showers!!! Usually they have to be super hot and LOOOONGG! Glad you're clean. Heehee!


  • Mimilly

    I only ask my two girls to leave enough water for me now. Giving them baths years ago was sometimes a trial - yes, the soap in my eyes thing.
    Now, they are teenagers and when either of them gets into the shower (which is daily for both), all I hear is the water and power bills going 'cha-ching!'

  • waiting
    waiting youngest, about age of 8 would get in/out (supposedly) of shower, and then my still-new 2nd husband would check out shower stall. The water had been turned on, but neither soap nor washcloth was wet, neither was the towel he supposedly dried off with.

    Thankfully, he outgrew that when he discovered girls. Btw, that's when he discovered that showers and deodorant were girl magnets. Dense as a box of rocks - and now A+ in college. Ain't miracles wonderful?


  • Celia

    I can't see any picture !
    Just Little red X...

  • graceabounds


    It's the bath my kids seem to like, but the shower is intimidating.
    I don't know how someone could get in and out of the shower without
    getting wet. Except, if its like the old Bill Cosby story, where he
    and his wife had to TELL the kids to turn the water on, or else they would just wander around the shower.
    My daughter is pretty good about getting herself cleaned up, but
    my son....I never know if he is getting his 2000 parts clean.
    I figure, I'll just let him soak a little longer than his sister,
    maybe it will help!

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