Jesus told A lie, John 7:8-10

by jam 22 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Andrew Sh
    Andrew Sh


    How fundamentalist are you? - depends on definition. A non-violent one, for sure, at least, that's the aim(!)

    The other questions, essentially: yes, yes, yes and yes.

    The only proviso: which part of Evolutionary Theory do you mean? :- there are two theories deceptively wrapped into one theory.

    There is the Macro E. Theory and the Micro E. Theory:

    The Macro Theory says that all life on planet Earth came through Evolutionary means. I don't believe that, even in its Theistic form (with a bit of help from God).

    There is Micro Evolutionary Theory which says that natural selection is going on all the time and is changing life forms all the time. I do believe that: ie I do believe in the Survival of the Fittest. But when you examine this, it doesn't say anything at all.

    What does survival mean in evolutionary terms? It means those who produce the most surviving/longest surviving offspring.

    What does Fittest mean in Evolutionary Theory terms? It means those who produce the most surviving offspring.

    "Survival of the Fittest" just means Those who produce the most surviving offspring produce the most surviving offspring.

    Not very revolutionary. Carl Popper may have said it better than this.


  • cantleave

    A non-violent one, for sure, at least, that's the aim(!)

    I am pleased about that

  • simon17

    There is the Macro E. Theory and the Micro E. Theory:

    Thats like saying there is micro-continential drift and macro-continental drft. Yes, the continents may move a small, miniscule amount in a year. But in no way can a continent jump across the ocean to become part of another continent.

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