MsGrowingGirl20 is no longer one of......

by MsGrowingGirl20 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • MsGrowingGirl20

    I think that might be soon....

    I am no longer one of jehovah's witnesses(WELL mentally that is)---HOWEVER i am a Christian...i recently started reading different translations from is so different to how the jw's teach....and God...i mean, i still am learning and confused about certain things but i am in LOVE with them...

    It's obvious that the jw's are not an organization of God.i don't think God is working through an organization but through individuals...however i am going to speak to an elder tomorrow about my issues---all of them---and i'm going to tell him everything--what i've been reading,where i got it from---EVERYTHING!! I'm not hiding anything! i have done no wrong....i just want to be a true christian and if they disfellowship me for seeking answers then this is not where i need to be. I want them to prove what i've been reading wrong....i'm going to use references from past watchtowers.

    I am going to open my mind,ask all my questions and listen to their answers...if i'm not satisfied or they discipline me for asking questions---well so be it...

    My God will guide me....and if i'm making a mistake, i'm sure that he'll correct me.I trust him.

  • Lozhasleft

    Wow, brave lady. Admirable stance. I don't want to rain on your parade at all but don't expect them to have answers...not real ones. They will likely get very defensive and go to attack mode by saying you shouldn't have gone looking online blah blah. I would estimate their mission then would be to set up a judicial quickly before your 'thinking' contaminates anyone else.

    Your straightforward approach and your honesty will however greatly impress your heavenly father IMHO.

    Wishing you well.

    Loz x

  • bohm

    however i am going to speak to an elder tomorrow about my issues---all of them---and i'm going to tell him everything--what i've been reading,where i got it from---EVERYTHING!!

    Only do this if you are okay with being shunned! Also prepare yourself for not getting even the slightest admittance from the elder. Once the genie is out of the bottle you cant go back without the hassle of reinstatement.

  • dreamgolfer

    Be are asking MERE MORTAL MEN for ANSWERS On God? Come on you need to be more reasonable in your expectations.

    You have as much chance about getting the "True answers" about JFK's assisination from J Edgar Hoover.

    Listen up and listen up good...

    THE ANSWERS COME FROM WITHIN, No body has the Secret Recipe, it aint locked up in a cabinet to be shown or taken out for a viewing.

    You are going to be saddened, dissappointed and hurt,. and Frankly my dear,,,,God dont give a damn (that's bad english on purpose)

    Truth hurts, be prepared for many bandaids

    my 2 cents I am type happy today


  • Ding


    I've sent you a PM.

  • JonathanH

    Good for you, prepare for the worst, then for the best, because you'll be free.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    My God will guide me....and if i'm making a mistake, i'm sure that he'll correct me.I trust him.

    Please don't start thinking that if you jump off a bridge, God will catch you.

    Perhaps god gave you courage, but he also gave you a brain. Before starting to build the tower, count the cost before you begin. Before racing into battle, determine if you will be able to prevail or if you should seek peace... for now.

  • diamondiiz

    Good luck, but I wouldn't be counting on god for anything.

  • cantleave

    Best of luck - don't do anything you may regret. Strength comes from within not from an external force, find your own inner strength and remember we are here to help, real people who who have been where you are.

  • tornapart

    I'm finding Jesus too.. and it's wonderful. Something so different to what the WTS dish up. It pales into insignificance. Wish I had the courage to do what you are doing.

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