MsGrowingGirl20 is no longer one of......

by MsGrowingGirl20 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • clarity

    MsGG hi..................if you are going to do it...... take some time to plan the very best way to get the most satisfaction!

    Otherwise, later you may say "oh darn...why didn't I say this or that........?"

    Hold your head up high ..and don't let them disfellowship you ............. you DF them first!!!

    All the best wishes, we'll be thinking about you


  • diamondiiz

    Depending on what questions you ask, you will be directed to wts publications, or they will print out copies for you to read. If you question old theology, you'll be told that new light replaced this and that... If you ask about scandals, they will either deny it, will ask you if you got these lies from visiting apostate web site, or will tell you typical jws answer "Wait on Jehovah."

    If you don't stop questioning, you'll be warned as you'll be viewed as causing divisions where they will inform you that you are risking kangaroo court and disfellowshipment due to creating divisions.

    Upon df, you will lose any and all contact with your beloved "friends." So unless you are willing to lose everyone and can live without any of them go ahead, otherwise make new friends first and once you feel comfortable with new association go ahead and burn the bridges because you will lose all jw friends.

  • tec

    Good for you. Not everyone can do what you are doing, what with family and spouses being in and such; so it is great that you will do it. Stay calm when you speak with them. Don't let them throw you off. Listen to that calm quiet voice within, and you will know when something being said in counter to you is wrong.

    You don't need advice from me. You have our Lord, and our Father. I am happy for you.

    Peace to you, though I believe you have already found it in Christ and God.


  • mind blown
    mind blown

    Hello Girl20 Wow major steps to get the hell out of the creepy WTS.

    Tell them "everything"?? Never wise to show your full hand (card saying), this way you can have the upper hand. if you mention JWN, loud alarm bells will automatically go off and though they won't say it, they'll immediately assume you're going down the Apostate road and will begin mapping out their plan of what trick questions to ask in their heads.

    My suggestion is tell them you "stumbled" accross informatin from various blogs and someone you spoke with. They will do what diamondiiz mentioned and send you on your merry way. If you're still not satisfied, have your DA letter ready and turn it in. This way you go out on YOUR terms and maybe able to salvage certain friendships. Whereas if you're labled an scary Apostate or DF'd (people in the cogo with think it for immorality) it's a more negative lable. I know they are still encouraged to shun ones who have DA'd themselves, but there's many who won't.

    Here's a perfect example of a Judicial Committee of an older couple who had questions and were DF'd. It's very insightful

  • Fernando

    “Many are called, but few are chosen.” — Matt. 22:14.

  • leavingwt

    MsGrowingGirl20: Will you please remind me whether or not you've read Hassan's first book? (You're about to experience an aspect of the WT religion that may seem unexpected and harsh. This book will explain what's going on inside the heads of the JWs you know.)

  • clarity

    Such helpful information on this thread!


    "Judicial committee /spanish inquisition"

    Blond-Moment wow ....excellent video.

    > The content was brilliant and your presentation was A+++++++++! This is a CLASSIC! Thank you!


  • MC RubberMallet
    MC RubberMallet

    Stay strapped, homey.

  • thecrushed

    blond-moment I really like how succinct you are in your comparisons to the Spanish Inquisition. It's no wonder they don't won't women speaking or having position in the congregation. Women like you would embarrass them and make them feel like the small men they are.

    I'm listening to Death or Obedience right now and It's amazing the amount of times the keep looping around to the BORG. the constantly try to bait him into giving his so called Apostate views of the Borganization. The elders even admit that the WT is NOT inspired of god but there in lies the problem. We are expected to follow the direction of something that is NOT inspired of God yet he directs them in there efforts to dispense food at the proper time??? This makes absolutely no logical sense whatsoever! It's like these Elders are on a constant loop till certain conditions are met. He has a great point about the changing views and how someone who holds one view in 2009 could be disfellowshiped for having a view held in say 1994. He also pointed out that the Generation teaching has flip flopped from representing the anointed to the wicked to the anointed. Increasing light is not flip flopping. By its very connotation the term suggests a building up of structured knowledge that is supported by even further evidence that should stand on top of what is already known is it not? Oh wait isn't that too close to the scientific method? That would make too much logical sense to be correct in JW land.

  • blond-moment

    Thanks! Yeah, Keep women in their place. Whatever you do, don't let them have elder roles, they may actually protect the children, may actually protect the women being abused (I would like to think anyway)

    Anondude2 JC too, was frightening. He is a smart guy, very well prepared, and these elders, really said some things that made your jaw drop. Even tho I know the truth of the "truth" and have shed my tears over the blood guilt, abuse and injury to the "sheep" these men are suppose to be protecting, to hear them say it, was like a kick in the stomach. I wanted to throw up all over again. Anondude2 Q: (paraphrasing)what about the organ transplants, what about the people who died....Elder 1 A: (exact quote) so what if they did?...Elder 2 A: (exact quote) yeah, what if they did?" Cold hearted bastiges.

    Death or obedience was my fav(weird to say it like that) JC, Anondude2 is now. I really hope those elders listen to it, and really hear themselves.

    I agree the NOT inspired thing blows me away now. The WT is brilliant when it comes to teaching out of both sides of their mouth, it's amazing how common it is. The "you must obey whatever we say, because it is from the big guy himself, to question us is to question him".....and...."well we never claimed to be infallible, we screw up all the time, but you WILL blindly obey us anyway"

    It is so weird to look at it all with both eyes open.

    Listening to Judicial Committees did help a lot when I faced the CO. Granted the CO was the first JW I really talked to after my full wake up, and I sooo wish I could do it again. However, I was, for the first time ever, not even the slightest bit intimidated by a man of "authority" from this org. That's why I recommend listening to them first, helped a ton!

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