I went to the Watchtower Study with the "Selma and Steve" article today, and....

by cedars 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    These JW people and WT society leaders are insane. All I have to say about it

  • designs

    flipper- The world looks very strange to the Writing department guys holed up in their man caves. That they thought this was even ok as an example shows some twisted thinking.

  • blondie

    The WTS says that staying with an abusive non-jw husband is only the abuse all Christians are expected to endure. That's what our family was told by the elders.

    *** w78 9/15 p. 21 par. 18 Love in Action ***

    Also, a believing mate rightly hopes that the unbeliever will eventually accept the “good news.” (1 Pet. 3:1, 2) While love helps us to hope for the best, it also enables us to endure all kinds of persecutions, trials, abuse and misrepresentation.

    (1 Peter 3:1, 2) 3 In like manner, YOU wives, be in subjection to YOUR own husbands, in order that, if any are not obedient to the word, they may be won without a word through the conduct of [their] wives, 2 because of having been eyewitnesses of YOUR chaste conduct together with deep respect. . .

    *** w64 4/15 pp. 249-250 What Holds You Back from True Worship? ***

    Real love for the family is shown by being willing to put up with disapproval, or even abuse, so that those unbelieving family members may have the best possible opportunity to learn the truths from God’s Word and come in line for the everlasting blessings that Jehovah God holds out to those who serve him.—1 Pet. 3:1-6.

  • Finkelstein

    Well this is what happens when people try to emulate the social moral standards of a civilization that existed 3000 years ago.

    Woman back then were mostly seen in that societal situation as bought for chattel close to what a sheep or goat would be perceived.

    Under this arrangement men had complete power and control in any marriage arrangement. There wasn't equality of the sexes back then to be realized.

    Sure there is encouragement for husbands to love their wifes but there's also a clause attached to this arrangement which dictates that

    woman must succumb to the power and authority of their husbands at all times.

    If a woman doesn't abide to this arrangement within a marriage, she might very be deemed not to loved and duly respected

    by the husband in accordance to this set law and a unstable and shaky marriage relationship would occur.

    So its easy to see why there's so much diverse amount of strife that can come out this very old marriage laws, here now today in the 21st century.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    My observation of abusive relationships at the KH were that sisters who had abusive unbelieving husbands were more so expected to take the abuse if they didn't have any status in the cong. Whereas, sisters with personal or family status could always use the "spiritual endangerment" card. Especially, if people were waiting in the wings trying to set them up with a theocratic brother. I tried to take up for a young sister that was getting the shit beat out of her by her unbelieving husband, but I got nowhere because I was the lone elder willing to say the "Jehovah hates a divorcing" was ridiculous in this type of circumstance.

    Think About It

  • NewChapter

    I think it's even worse if the husband is a JW too. There is even more pressure to keep it a secret. I know of 2 brothers that became elders because their wives kept the physical abuse a secret. Yeah----go to the elders if your husband is beating you. There is a good chance they too are beating their wives---so what do you expect their answer to be?

    All I can say is that if I know of two----how many don't we know about?


  • NewChapter

    double post

  • LongHairGal


    Those stories of abused women make me furious! Glad I'm not married because I would never stay with them. Let all religion be damned!

    Sadly, it is true that all this religion cares about is its reputation being sullied.

    For this reason alone the world has to hear about it!

  • NewChapter

    This seems like a good place to vent. I was in Atlantic City last week, and walked to a local store. I saw a man and woman struggling on the sidewalk. He was grabbing her waist and arm and she was trying to get away from him. I heard her tell him to leave her alone. She kept trying to walk away and he would grab her back. She was making sounds like she was in pain, and he was bigger than her. EVERYONE was ignoring it. I pulled out my phone. Nobody seemed concerned in the least. He knocked her down on the sidewalk, then started yanking her up. I called the police. I didn't even really know where I was, but told them what I could see, and they figured it out. STILL nobody would even look in their direction. They just kept walking.

    I had to find a restroom, where I almost vomited. Seeing someone hit makes me physically ill, but seeing everyone ignoring it and refusing to do anything just did me in. I shook for an hour.

    I guess it's not that much different outside the KH walls.


  • Finkelstein

    Good for you NewChapter for calling the police, an intervention from the police authorities might make the situation between

    those two people realize that relationship should most likely be dissolved or at least come to a conclusion that there needs to be very

    different direction taken in the relationship.

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