How come they did not include the one about the Hall project in Victoria bc, Canada. A crane toppled over impaling the operator on rebar. I think he survived, but why not include one that was basically a tragedy. Of course they would probably spin it that it was a miracle cuz he didn't get killed.
This is making the witness email rounds...Anyone believe them?
by Botzwana 71 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
These stories are being regurgitated for the new ones. One would think they could make up better, more believable stories.
hahahahahaha hilarious God changes red lights for me.
Try sending this to your chain mailer:
The sand story was making the rounds back in the sixties....
Then there's the story about the guy who stood vigil with a shotgun on the front steps of a kh because a mob showed up to burn the hall down. The mob feared the guy because he was a powerful, well known local gangster. There were two versions of this story; one, the guy's wife and children were in the kh. The other story was his parents and siblings were in attendance. Oh yeah, he later became a well respected jw brother.
Sorry folks, but since I read the witness email rounds
I have been laughing all day. Some I have heard before,
but the one where God sent A bolt of lightning and fried
this poor guy brain. Who would repeat such A ridiculous
story. One wonder, what in the hell Jehovah have in store
for us.
wha happened?
I hear ya Fuge, I always hated these stories for the same reason. God helps pioneers and the building commitee, ignores prayers from people dying or in poor health
And what about that rubbish built on 90 Sands Street? While Jehovah was ignoring my needs, he was hyping that piece of sxxx at 90 Sands Street, as if I should be happy that progress was being made on that eyesore. I would have been better off for the whole building to have everything get stolen from it by drug dealers, and never get more than a couple of meters off the ground, plus having the opposite sex in my life rather than having that crap finished in 5 minutes but be Jehovah's slave with nothing for myself.
I would also rather see stories about a major tornado that destroys a major A$$embly Hell, leaves about 50 homes and businesses untouched, touches down again destroying a Kingdumb Hell, continues leaving several malls and small businesses alone (not even knocking out power), levels a house that is used for a book study or field circus depot while leaving only debris on the lawn for damage in adjacent houses, and seriously damages or destroys every single church, Kingdumb Hell, or home that serves largely as a depot for this kind of religion while doing minor damage (making a mess on the front lawn) or no damage to other buildings.
This should be in jokes and humor . . .
No. 6, The Polish Apostate infiltrator being struck by lightning is my personal favorite . . . bloody good story that. Picked the dirty rat out of a 3 man line-up . . . and the sneaky filthy apostate was the guy in the middle!
Pin-point accuracy like that can only come from the very finger of Jahoover himself.
Damn, I wish I was still doing P talks so I could use it. Maybe even a visual aid to get the juices flowing . . .
Be careful sizemilk - while he may not personally target you, some see the hand of Jehovah at work in the shaky realm of Christchurch!
On a related note, even as an active JW I wondered about the mentality of brothers who, over time, told the same stories from the platform over and over - and I swear with each telling, the miracles got more and more exaggerated and the days it took newcomers to realize it was the truth and cut their long hair decreased dramatically.
No one else seemed to notice it - or if they did, they didn't say anything (hell, I didn't either). But it did make me wonder aboutthe mentality of these JWs who without blushing or bothered conscience gave "experiences" from the platform that seemed like tailor-made bullshit.