I need nothing else

by MsGrowingGirl20 32 Replies latest forum announcements

  • MsGrowingGirl20

    i just want to be a true christian..I love God and Jesus Christ....all i simply want is to be a follower of Christ...a genuine one...i don't want to read matthew 23 and know that it aptly fits my situation...i want to feel refreshed under the love of my Father...i don't want to fake anymore...i shouldn't even have felt the need to anyway...

    i don't know what to do....i'm tired and all i want to do is serve the Almighty God...i don't want to have doubts because that alone makes me know that this isn't what God wants...i just want to truthfully be a follower of Jesus...a TRUE ONE

    Gosh....i feel as though my life has no direction...ALL I WANT TO DO IS FOLLOW CHRIST THE RIGHT WAY...

    i'm sorry for rambling on...

  • AnnOMaly

    You're trying too hard and want to tick new boxes too quickly. Rome wasn't built in a day (and other clichés). Baby steps (there, another one). There is a lot to deconstruct and reconstruct. Relax. Allow yourself time to grow.

  • paulnotsaul

    Girl you already are! Just keep doing what your doing. The rest will all come together. peaceMsGG20 paulnotsaul

  • LostGeneration

    Like Ann said, take a few deep breaths....take some time for yourself. If God is up there, he would know you are stressed and need to unwind. Would he really care if you took a month or a year or five years to yourself? Of course not. The Watchtower is different, they make you feel like you HAVE TO BE STRESSED all of the time or you aren't DOING ENOUGH.

    Are you still pioneering? If so, the first step is taking a break from that. That is all you have to say.

    "I'm taking a break" Nothing more. They will try to pressure you, ask you questions, even harass you. Call timeout on the WTS. Do it today, you will feel better starting tomorrow.

  • Londo111

    If you haven't already, I encourage you to read In Search of Christian Freedom. This book gave me Christian direction like none before.

  • Londo111

    An addendum, I think what AnnOMaly says it good wisdom.

    Also--read and study the Bible daily, pray to your Heavenly Father. In time, there should be a compass needle in your mind and heart pointing in the direction of your next step. Do not be anxious about what your next step will be after that. Just take one step at a time.

  • Knowsnothing

    MsGrowingGirl, now is the time to find what you like, what you want to do. Everything upto this point has been screened for you. Avoid higher education, pioneer, everyone not JW is to be avoided, study our publications, prepare for meetings, prepare for preaching. The list goes on and on of what they had programmed all of us to do.

    Like all have said here, take a breather.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    It's only been a few weeks since we first saw you post here.

    I think it might be VERY early to know what you want to do with the rest of the life given you. You do and can know what you don't want to do - but take the next few steps very carefully, slowly. YOU will be more surprised than anyone here or anywhere else as to the direction you will EVENTUALLY take - but it will take more than weeks or a few months to know for sure where you are headed.

    Don't let the emotions of the moment move you right back into another dead end road in life. Life is too short.



  • tornapart

    I can understand exactly where you're coming from MsGG, I feel like that too. It's frustrating to belong to an organisation that doesn't recognise Christ as our Mediator, that puts him in the background and pushes the FDS into HIS position. I just want to have a simple christianity with none of the rules and regulations of an organisation to live by. It can be done, I know, following Christ instead of an organisation can be liberating.

    If you want to talk send me a PM.

  • Ding

    MsGrowinggirl, I'm sending you a PM.

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