Bethel's gay Neighbors

by metatron 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • KJV

    Puppylove...I didn't see the movie. "Where are you going with this?" I dunno. You think that I am queer? Homophobic? No, I stand up for the rights for human beings to make love with their animals. No law against doing this, but it seems we have a few hateful homosexuals on this board who look down on my fight for humans/animals rights! Let's not have a "double standard"!

  • Pete2

    Oooooh, Mr. KJV:

    Take it easy boy! Did Petey get too close to the truth about ya'?

    Since you seem to be such a self-proclaimed connoisseur of canine genitalia -- and I know absolutely nothing about humping Rin Tin Tin -- I must defer to your life long experience.


  • morrisamb

    KJV, no offence meant, but you speak of concern for animal rights...consenting adult homosexuals vs. bestiality? How does the animal give conscent? Woof, woof?

  • puppylove


    I was going for something along the lines of "methinks the lady doth protest too much".

    Regarding KJV, there must be an underlying reason for all that hate. However, this is just my opionion. No offence meant to all of my gay/lesbian friends out there.

  • morrisamb

    Puppylove, no offence taken, of course.

    I think prejudice against my orientation is up there with race discrimination. I am what I am and someone that could screw an animal isn't going to tell me any different!

  • Pete2

    Hello morrisamb and puppylove,

    I saw "American Beauty" a couple of times. For me, the sociopathic ex-Marine dad was an example of how destructive internalized homophobia could be. Did you notice that the healthiest people in the neighborhood were the openly gay couple next door?


  • morrisamb

    Yo pete, I'm telling you when I saw the movie, I thought it would have been great if the lead turned out to be the closet homosexual, or at least bisexual. My friends and I saw that psycho homo a mile off!!!

  • Pete2

    Yo Mo'

    You probably know this but Alan Ball, the writer of "American Beauty," is gay. He also created HBO's "Six Feet Under." Once in an interview Ball said that he based the Marine/dad character on his own father.


  • morrisamb

    Thanks Pete. I did read that, but you know vat? (I feel like that character on Mad TV coming on), I find the same predictability in Will & Grace. Gay writers etc. But I'm not knocking it..I'm so glad it's a new world for gay youth..there are so many role models, fictional gay characters out there ( and now even Rosey is coming out) that they won't feel as isolated.

  • KJV

    What all of you homosexuals don't get is that your lifestyle is just as disgusting to heterosexuals as my lifestyle is disgusting to you! What hypocrites! What absolute arrogant hypocrites you are to feel this way! Here I support your rights and you look down on mine. Thank you...I have changed my mind about fags!

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