Evil Elderettes, the true Hounds of Hell!

by Bubblegum Apotheosis 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    @aussie, Yes I know this as a fact, "Brother So-So" has been "called" on his loose lips before the BOE, Aussie you have no idea how infiltrated the network is with men who make bad choices, for terrible reasons.

    The story of Samson and Delila is recorded for our benefit, whether you believe in Jehovah or not, certain woman are able to strong arm their "elder" husbands into submission.

    @blondie, if the problem can be internalized (kept in-house, in-Hall) without the rest of the Circuit aware, Jabber Jaw elders remain intact, even letters to the Society with allegations of misconduct, rarely results in tosssing out a pliable spined servant of Theirs. B.O.E.s are composed of imperfect and sometimes sick men, the more you know your fellow elder, you are apt to get a blackmail, "get out of jail" chip.

    Example: Brother Reckless invites Elder Moderate to his house, he pours the drinks, adds extra partial shots to mixed drinks. Brother Moderate opens his mouth about an on going situation (the Grey Goose, Jonny Walker Blue Ribbon), Moderate's low resistance to drink gave Reckless a chip!

    @char ROLFMAO, you know where I am coming from, the pack of wolves are not afraid to counsel elders from their microphones, 'Message comments are frequently used to straighten out young girls who wear low skirts! One trite comment by elderette Shena "If you have time to shop at the Malls, you have time to attend the Halls!" "I wish the weak ones attended different Halls, so our numbers looked better."

    The wannabe elderette, she sometimes is stuck unless she divorces her man, or he leaves her! The wannabe elderette could be a pioneer or not, she could be stuck (Her husband is a pedophile, her husband had gay sex, her husband committed adultry) knowing her husband will never be made a elder. "Poor sister Endora, he husband can't become an elder because of his past sins!" Heard that one too!

    Legalistic female pharisees, (there were female pharisees according to sources on early first century Jewish history.) who crave attention, prominence and respect for putting up with the rest of the "amaharets"!

    There are good elder wives, it's the "elderettes" that make Meetings, Field Service and life diffucult for many good man and women who attend with good hearts. Yogi Berra said "You can observe alot by just watching!" Sit back and listen to comments made, watch their conduct at meetings and in field service (If they will work with the down trodden) ,it will scream "Elder's wife or Hell Hound Elderette".

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    In my hall all the elderberries wives are elderettes; most of these parasites hold their positions because THEY pushed their husbands to "reach out" and made sure they were reaching in the direction of an elite elders position.

    None of the elderetees in my conned-green-nation are pius-sneers, and usually never auxiliary either. They don't work or have children (all out of the house) and yet can't be bothered to do any further service then the token Saturday sprint with their husbands to keep up appearances; nope, these vermin don't do anything extra unless it involves mounds of attention and praise.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    My elder ex-husband never ever told me what was going on in any of the meetings with the other elders. And I never heard one other elder's wife say anything. Some may have known but they never said a word.

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    @Lady Lee, you never tried to pry information from him, and he kept quite, not revealing confidential talk. It's a strenght that's fleeting in our new generation of young elders, things are different now. The old cranky ones I grew up with, are dying off, I don't remember them talking as much as these younger Generation folks.

    I am not sure if the theory of females becoming more tougher than men now, a few British studies on hormone levels in young men vs females is intriguing, some theorize men are becoming weaker now, just a theory, what do you think?

    I was in field service, and a eighty year old sister asked her husband about a case, he said "That is not for you to know, it's confidential" I was eigthteen and working with both of them. There are more good ones than bad, the bad can do "ten times" the damage as a good Christ loving man. Not all women want to know their husbands secrets, my sister would stop her husband from talking about judicial information or any type of gossip. Her stress level was enough, she did not need unnecessary negative gossip.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises
    he said "That is not for you to know, it's confidential"

    He sounds like my father when he was an elder (and even when he wasn't). Not all elders blab, and not all elders wives gossip. My mother wasn't interested in hounding him for information. She used to say the other sisters would come to her to gossip but they'd know much more than she ever did!

  • blondie

    I'll just say this, if you listen to gossip, even if you don't pass it on, you are part of the gossip party. I would change the topic and then ask to be taken back to my car or home if the party persisted.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    @Lady Lee, you never tried to pry information from him, and he kept quite, not revealing confidential talk. It's a strength that's fleeting in our new generation of young elders, things are different now. The old cranky ones I grew up with, are dying off, I don't remember them talking as much as these younger Generation folks.

    I might have been curious but I would never have asked. He had his office unlocked. I could have gone in and looked at anything. But I didn't. I didn't even know there was such a thing as an Elder's manual (The Flock) book) until after I left and people were talking about it here. I have always had a very strong sense of privacy and confidentiality. Probably due to having it broken so many times in my life.

    I am not sure if the theory of females becoming more tougher than men now, a few British studies on hormone levels in young men vs females is intriguing, some theorize men are becoming weaker now, just a theory, what do you think?

    Well in many ways men don't need the physical strength they had years ago when they were out hunting and gathering. But then women don't have the same kind of physical work that women had in previous generations. Not too many city women have even seen a wringer washing machine let alone know how to use it. And then cart a heavy basket of dripping wet clothes out to a clothesline to hang to dry.

    In the last 100 years urban society has changed vastly. That's not to say there aren't jobs that are very physical. Fireman, construction workers, and many other jobs require a lot of physical strength. But mechanization has changed even in those jobs.

    But does that mean men are becoming weaker? Ask any woman who has been beaten by her husband if he is any weaker than previous generations.

    I suspect that socialization has far more to do with the shift in women's attitudes than hormones. Women are allowed to be unlady-like and get angry now. Many are fighting back about the inequality of how they are treated and are unwilling to back down. Many have been raised to believe you don't have to work for what you get. It will be given to you and that has resulted in a sense of entitlement among both men and women.

    There is a marked escalation in women committing violent crimes. Hormones? Socialization? I'm not a scientist or a sociologist. I don't think even they know the answers for sure.

    I was in field service, and a eighty year old sister asked her husband about a case, he said "That is not for you to know, it's confidential" I was eighteen and working with both of them. There are more good ones than bad, the bad can do "ten times" the damage as a good Christ loving man. Not all women want to know their husbands secrets, my sister would stop her husband from talking about judicial information or any type of gossip. Her stress level was enough, she did not need unnecessary negative gossip

    I do agree no wife should be hearing confidential information. That being said I think judicial committees need to get out of the back room and deal with things publicly - that is if they want to follow the examples in the Bible. The secrecy they have now only goes to promote gossip, rumors and wrong conclusions.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises
    I would change the topic and then ask to be taken back to my car or home if the party persisted.

    Would you print out a copy of a WT article on the "dangers of gossip" and hand it around as well?

  • snakeface

    In some congregations, it's the elderettes who make all the decisions, and they actually run the congregation. (Reminds me of prison movies where the "bitches" run the place.) But think about the elders. Many are very talented and skillful and knowledgeable in their jobs, but they have no clue about how to manage people. Maybe some have become elders only because their wives have pushed them to do so. These women have a saying, that they tell the brothers: "You might be the Head, but I am the Neck!"

    There are a lot of confidential congregation matters that elders share with the MS's. So in some cases the MS's might be sharing with their wives. These wives can be like elderettes-in-training.

  • snakeface

    You know how the WT Society says there's an "Elijah class" and a "Jonadab class" and so on? These elderettes make up the "Delilah" class.

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