BOE 2014-11-06 Procedures when legal issues are involved

by wifibandit 34 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • oppostate

    It is trying to be too sneaky in hiding the fact you can get DA/DF'ed if you dare to vote. Calling it DA'ing oneself by means of "nonneutral" behavior is totally WT speak for "you better not vote or we'll get your family and friends to shun you!"

    Can anything be done about an organization claiming to be a non-profit religious corporation preventing their members from voting in public elections?

    What legal maneuverings are they afraid of by calling it "nonneutral" and mean "choosing to vote"?

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Wow! I think I have to agree w/a friend of mine, who said 'if elder's wives knew about these things, their husbands would not be elders"....  Wives are more practical... They would say "YOU are OUT OF YOUR MIND!"  

    Why? hmmm... Let's read paragraph 14.... "In some cases, elders will form a judicial committee to handle alleged wrongdoing that may also constitute a violation of criminal law ( e.g. murder, rape, child abuse, fraud, theft, assult). 

    OK, so do wives want their husbands becoming involved, or "judiciial",  in murder cases?  ARE there murderers amongst us? What happens if the murderer gets mad at you?  

    Plus, just think about losing your house, your income, your everything because you get involved in this "litigious" type of anything with a committee.  The Society has warned them...or shall we say, given them "due notice"... and they will drop you faster than a hot plate. However, the "Society" has plenty of lawyers (and money) to help themselves deal with this 'proud, greedy, litigious' 'complex society' we live in.  

    That is why the "Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses" tell them not to discuss things with their wives.... They would have no more elders.

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    I thought "non-neutral" was referring to military service...  

    Pretty clever, eh?   Don't mention "military" and you can't be looked down upon by the government.. Deny, deny, deny.....

    Wait, maybe 'non-neutral' means becoming an NGO of the UN?   LOL

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    I think elders should all sign their letters to the Society in the same way the Society does.. with a stamp that says:


    "A Christian Elder of Jehovah's Witnesses"

  • 144001
    I would love to read the "precedents" they will send to attorneys representing JWs when custody of children is at issue.  They might be pure nonsense, but responding to them will cost $$$,
  • rubbeng
  • KiddingMe
  • LevelThePlayingField
    Doesn't all this just make you feel all warm and fuzzy? Yeah,  just like listening to Toni Tight Pants. Puke!
  • GLTirebiter
    Regarding #35: "Don't come back!" does not mean "Try again in two years."
  • GLTirebiter

    "I would love to read the "precedents" they will send to attorneys representing JWs when custody of children is at issue.  They might be pure nonsense, but responding to them will cost $$$"

    Freeminds has a critique outlining the WT's "Preparing for Child Custody Cases" pamphlet. This BOE letter essentially admits that the pamphlet exists; they now will have a harder time claiming there is no such thing when an opposing attorney issues a subpoena demanding them to produce it in court.

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