'Dinah Gets Into Trouble' - Does Story 20 Mean Rape = Fornication?

by sd-7 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • lohengren
  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    hahahahah GOLD

  • Cadellin
  • bucketbot


    I will now use those quotations to justify bondage/domination. Sorry neighbors.

  • dog is god
    dog is god

    Many moons ago, when I was 19, living on my own, had a great job, I was raped by my assistant apt mgr. I went to give my rent check and he offered to make me a martini. So I said okay. I don't know what was in that drink but I only remember him carrying me to his bedroom, pulling my pants down and that was it. Took just a few seconds. Well, being the shameful indoctrinated little JW, I went to the congregation cappo de tutti frutti and told him what happened. Stupid, Stupid, Stupid. This resulted in a committee and they deturmined I was guilty of conduct unbecoming a witless and I was publically reproved (talk about shamed in front of the entire cong), put on probation and labeled as bad association. When you are raised in the cong it is amazing what little self esteem you have that you can't stick up for yourself and they then kick that little bit you have right out of you.

    As for the story of Dinah, I just don't believe a whole city of men and their sons would jump at the chance to get circumcised. Are you kidding me? Guys today don't want to wear a rubber or get a vasectomy which can no way be compared with having your foreskin cut off without modern anesthetics. THEN to add to that they kill ALL the males, kidnap the women and girls, steal all their belongings. Yet, Jehovah, a god of justice, says or does nothing????? Even Jacob is only mad because of what the neighbors think. IF this is true then those Isrealites were an entitled little group of bastards. Cognitive dissonance.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    There's been a lot of molestation and rape in my cong and the victims have always been chastised (it's your fault), ridiculed, punished and told to shut up or face disciplinary action for slander/lying, all the while the perpetrator was made out to be the victim/hero.

    Additionally horrific is that most R&F know what’s going on and look the other way, it’s just sick.

    And all this courtesy of a "loving" borganization.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Well into the late 60s when I left, rape was blamed on the woman. My father was a Bethelite. They had this weird notion that men were not sexual beings in their natural state. It took a loose woman to ignite any action on their part. The rapist never seemed to be condemned. Rather, a woman's hair was too loose, short skirts, just being female. They were obsessed with it.

    One of the worst moments of my life was when my same age female cousin was full of glee b/c a woman was raped in the Port Authority Bus Terminal in NY. She said the woman was to blame. Without press details, she knew that she had a certain hair style and worse short skirts. Also, NY is just asking to be raped. Any woman present in NY deserved to be raped. I just stood there, with my shag hair cut done in Greenwich Village and my miniskirt, also from the Village. She knew I commuted through the bus terminal on a regular basis. Stupid me- I just took it. All my replies would be antiWitness and I did not want to be rude.

    The truth is rape is an act of violence. More men are raped in prisons than women in general. The laws in NY were barbaric towards rape victims.

    Being raped was never a crime. Rape was always a crime (in the olden days, it was more of a crime against a man's property). There is such an antifemale strand in the Witnesses that can not just spring from Rutherford's influence.

    Think of all the Bible stories there. What is the moral value in highlighting this scripture? Don't be female.

  • mP

    come on muslim friends, everyone knows men are the weakrr sex and cannot defend themselves against the animal magnetism of the female temptress. its always the womans fault just read the bible. if shes a virgin and unmarried then shes prime for breeding.

  • free @ last
    free @ last

    Muslim friends? What's your point?

  • designs

    The Watchtower leaders were certainly guys raised to believe in the false machismo sexual repression of the 1950s. Is this why there are no women who are heads of departments in Bethel.

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