Introduction Bio

by JakeM2012 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    WELCOME JAKE , I so appreciated your bio-post . My husband and I left six yrs ago.......I could relate to many of the things you experienced . I plan on saving your story to share with my sons ,because you put the JW experience into words better than I could ever do .Thankfully all my kids have faded too ,but I don't think they have ever looked deeply into why the JW religion is so wrong and distructive .

    Thank you so much for sharing .

  • ammo

    Hi jake that was great to read, thanks very much.

    another reinforcement as to why I have made the right call not to get baptized this year-appreciated :)))

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
  • jgnat

    Welcome, Jake. I am not a JW. I married one instead. Your story brings to mind a testimony of a senior couple at our last assembly. During their invariably positive testimony they mentioned that most of their children were "fallen away". Their consolation, of course, is continued field service. Particularly tragic is a son who nearly died in an automobile accident, lost limbs, and highly dependent. He left the "truth" and these seemingly wonderful old folks sadly have nothing to do with him now.

    How terribly, terribly tragic.

    I can't imagine how deep they've tamped down their emotions.

    It is great coming in to your own, isn't it?

  • Kool Jo
    Kool Jo


    Welcome and thanks for posting your story....I'm sure you'll contribute much to this board due to your lengthy time as a JW.


    Kool Jo

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Excellent first post.

    I especially loved the expression that JWs have been on a "130+ year snipe hunt".


  • cantleave

    Welcome to the forum


    Angus (AKA Cantleave - stupid enough not to wake up until aged 42)

  • Heaven

    Welcome JakeM2012.

    “It all boils down to this; either you believe that the faithful and discrete slave class is God’s channel to mankind or you don’t”.

    In my early 20s (some 20 odd years ago) in my parents' farmhouse kitchen, I asked both of them at the same time point blank:

    "Is the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses God's sole Channel of communication?"

    At exactly the same time they both replied. Dad said "No." and Mom said "Yes."

    You should have seen the "Holy Crap!" look pass between them. It was priceless.

    I already had many doubts as a teenager. I had a lightning bolt thought one day at high school... "Heeeey! I'm not supposed to be here." But there I was. It's pretty tough to deny reality when it's staring you right in the face.

    Both me and my bro didn't listen to Mom and went to College. We're glad we did. We weren't going to be needing a career but are now closer to retirement than the beginning of our careers. So much for the coming of Armageddon. So much for all the crap piled on us by Botchtower.

  • exwhyzee

    Hi JakeM Thanks for taking time to post your story. I sent you a private message. (In case you don't know it yet, you can send and receive messages via the small blue envelope icon at the top right corner of this page.)

    Thanks !


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