Introduction Bio

by JakeM2012 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Welcome to the forum Jake. I'm glad you found us.

    Your tale stirs up a lot of my memories.



  • jookbeard

    great story Jake, and good how to turned out for you with your wife standing by you.

  • Fernando

    Hey JakeM2012!

    Thank you for posting and sharing your story.

    I was a 3rd generation born-in for more than 4 decades (thus no prior or alternate reference points, frameworks or contexts to hold on to or revert back to). Reading about 7 generations is a first for me!

    After time some allow themselves to consider the possibility that the WBTS is a cult which explains how we were manipulated and duped.

    Most reject religion and a few pursue and find God by following the map which religion has done its best to defeat by removing most of its ±30 markers. This map is known as the "unabridged gospel" or the full "good news" especially according to Paul (but also Moses, Isaiah and Psalms).

    May you enjoy your stay and conversations here on JWN and maybe make a few friends.

    Best wishes for you and yours on life's journey.


    QLD, Australia

  • skeeter1

    Welcome. Because your family and you were deeply entrenched in the WTS, you reminded me of a saying about the cooks in the kitchen seeing all the roaches.


    p.s. (You are a wonderful writer too).

  • skeeter1

    I imagine that you and your wife have a large extended family. How are they taking this?

    As you were an elder, we are always curious about the number of Jehovah's Witnesses leaving, both quietly and by stating they don't agree with the WTS. Any observations on your part as to the health of the organization?

  • Lozhasleft

    Hello Jake and welcome to the forum. What an interesting intro, and well written too, thank you for sharing it with us. You would probably enjoy reading Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz, the GB member who was sorely mistreated, but a lovely humble man with no bitterness. I'm glad for you and your wife that you're free, and happy that you found us here.

    Loz x

  • soft+gentle

    hi jake welcome

  • jemba

    Hi and welcome Jake, fascinating reading. Especially with the pre 1975 expectations experienced first hand, very interesting time to be in the org. Like myself and my Hubby Im so glad you managed to leave with your spouse. Family is so important. Did you have kids?


  • Momma-Tossed-Me

    Jake, thanks for sharing stay close to this forum for your own benefit. You will find it very helpful in building your knowledge of what this scam of an organization is. Be warned that it is a hard road and it is important not to give in to te social pressure that the org will begin to put on you now.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    We have all been victims of a ridiculous scheme created by a drunken man selling snake oil who ripped off a corporation through bullying.

    Welcome, excellent and insightful introductory post. This ^^^ is classic!

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