Since the early WTCD doesn't have older publication

by thecrushed 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    WT pubs from 1879 to 1916

  • 00DAD

    Thanks Blondie and DiamondDiz for the links.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    If she claims a document is altered, it is up to her to provide a copy that proves it. It's her church's literature. There should be copies in the KH. If she can prove you've been scammed she can kick your arse. Make sure she knows that.

    You will have to change your tactics. Every warning the WT ever gave you about IDing apostates was listened to by your missus. To get through, you have to do it without triggering her wall mechanism.

    Try asking a single question that makes her think, research, etc.. then just keep her honest and on topic and guilt her for any devious tactics she uses to weasel her way out of the crap.

    You shouldn't do any explaining. Just show her the passage, article, whatever, then ask her to do the explaining.

    I recommend using literature that is on your bookshelf and WTCD. Don't read it to her, ask her to read it to you and explain it. Challenge her to prove any reasoning she makes that you know is not supported by the Watchtower, history, dictionaries etc..

    Do not be confrontational.

  • Fernando

    Hey thecrushed!

    Along the lines of what Black Sheep said what about letting your wife find a (publication) copy that she is willing to trust herself (less work for you, and more credible proof in her own eyes and hands).

    Maybe ask her what her thoughts are about obtaining from this site: .

  • Fernando

    Personally I advocate: "do not leave the Watchtower until you have found Jesus" as a family, if at all possible.

    Our family managed to build a very helpful strong faith and spirituality beforehand by following the gospel in the Watchtower library and noting that it may be in their publications (although fragmented) but not in their hearts and not on their lips.

  • oppostate

    This web site has a lot of the old publications in English and some in Spanish including WTs and Awakes.

  • free @ last
    free @ last

    good info guys

  • RayPublisher

    About 10 years ago a brother gave me a disc that had every WT from 1879 to 1949 burned onto it. I snatched it up in a minute, and then made a number of copies and handed them out to other Dubbs. I still use that disc to this day. Of course now I use it to find out the weird and wacky things Russell and the others wrote lol, as well as the things he would be DFed for today.

    Anyway, a couple years later I found a disc with about 95% of all the books from 1879 to 1960. I was able to combine the two, and they both just barely fit on a standard DVD, at about 4 gigabytes.

    All are in PDF format and text searchable. The WT could easily make these all available to the rank and file publishers. In fact, the writing dept has a DVD for internal use that has EVERY single thing ever written by Russell, Rutherford, Franz, etc. A sleeper brother that was a temporary worker said he actually saw the disc when he was talking to a brother in that dept at his desk.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    the writing dept has a DVD for internal use that has EVERY single thing ever written by Russell, Rutherford, Franz, etc.

    Now that's a disc I'd love to see.

    My digital WT library is over 20gig now.

  • thecrushed

    I had to spill the beans because she confronted me and said she thought I was cheating on her because I've been so distant. She cried all night and I was hysterical as well. I tried to tell her about the origins of Wt dabbling in the occult but she doesnt believe me. I was too upset as well. It is no wonder people commit suicide because of this Cult. I also told her we are in a cult and that the patterns are there and that the patterns are universal for all cults but she refuses to listen. She said she will stay with me no matter what but her mother is coming up in 2 days and it will start all over again and I'll have 2 women yelling and threatening me. I really have thought about ending it all but my love and devotion to her keeps me from it. My prediction is her emotions will get the better of her and cause her to tell the elders then I will be shunned by my family for the rest of my life and stuck in a loveless marriage to a women I love madly. She denied that this is conditional love that they preach! The brainwashing runs very deep. This is not love it is hate and intolorence. I'm at work trying to hide my pain and I'm sure she is too. My heart is palpitating and I'm sweating. I feel like I'm going through drug withdraw.

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