Reading is NOT Overrated!

by White Dove 49 Replies latest social entertainment

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    @Glander: I read Keith Richards' book, Life, after you talked about it on here. It was amazing. You might enjoy Patti Smith's "Just Kids". I didn't realize until I was finished with it that she was raised as a JW.

    Interesting thread, White Dove. I love getting tips on authors I haven't heard of. I enjoy pretty much all genres as well, except for romance novels. Right now I'm reading a book about supercave explorers that's blowing my mind.

    For fiction, I love Chuck Palahniuk, Kate Atkinson, Robert Olen Butler, Graham Greene, Richard Russo, William Goldman and the late great David Foster Wallace. And too many others to list...

  • NewChapter

    @Glander: I read Keith Richards' book, Life,

    OH! I just got that on audio book---narrated by Johnny Depp, which is cool cuz of the Pirates connection---and have only listened to a little, but it is definitely going to be a treat. OMG it opened with the car full of drugs and southern police pulling him over. It was cracking me up.

    Yes, sometimes I listen to my books, which may not count as reading, but doing so got me through my sickest times, and now it is a bit of an addiction. I even have favorite narrators.


  • Glander

    Yes. Richard Russo!

    Can't recall the author but "The Story of Edgar Sawtelle" was kind of a Russo type story that has stayed with me since I read it a couple of years ago.

    I will check out the Patti Smith book, Just Kids. My Kindle charges have been getting out of hand!

  • Glander


    My wife got into audio books when she had a 45 min. commute for a few years and really enjoyed them... I must admit, I have tried them but cannot stay focused and keep rewinding when I realize I have zoned out during a couple of pages!

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    I swore I would never get a Kindle, but I borrowed a friend's to read my version of a potato chip book, The Hunger Games. Now I really want one. I loved being able to lay in the bed at night and read with all the lights off.

    Does anyone have a Kindle Fire?

  • NewChapter

    My wife got into audio books when she had a 45 min. commute for a few years and really enjoyed them... I must admit, I have tried them but cannot stay focused and keep rewinding when I realize I have zoned out during a couple of pages!

    I actually got into them when i worked at data entry many years ago. it was monotonous and boring, so i started checking them out from the library. Data entry is kind of automatic for me (i'm a freak) and I don't need to think about it. After that i LOVED my job, and actually hated quitting time as it usually came in the middle of a good part.

    Then i got a great deal more responsiblity and couldn't do that anymore. But when I got sick, I was literally too weak to hold a book or keep my eyes open sometimes, i went to, and what a difference it made! I could just lay there and have the story read to me. I really think it helped me get better, as I often find television mindless and predictible with a few exceptions. Now I'm addicted. When I have trouble sleeping, I put in a book I already know well, and basically use it like a bedtime story! LOL It makes for some freaky dreams sometimes---but I like them!

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I read much more fiction that I used to do. My weakness is for historical fiction. My goal is to only read historical fiction of the calibre that I read general fiction. A story set long ago is not enough anymore.

    I tend to read a lot English and American history, esp. the Founders and the Federalists. I also like reading Civil War biographies.

    Sometimes I believe I will lose my mind if I read one more book based on Henry VIII. I knew nothing to start and now I have opinions about minor actors.

    Libraries always have been an important part of my life. The NY Public Library Reference Dept. was awesome but my local branch suffered compared to libraries in nicer neighborhoods. I truly enjoy my present local library. It is a fun place which is amazing considering where it is localted in the middle of nowhere. The librarians know me. "You are always here."

    I never can borrow one or two books at a time. Typically, I bring home six books and many CDs. The due date is 3 weeks. I pay fines. Often, the book I am

    most eager to read is a dud and I end up enjoying what I considered a minor book. We don't have enough e-books and funding has been cut drastically.

  • NewChapter

    Does anyone have a Kindle Fire?

    I have a Sony reader, and a LOT of books! But it just kept freezing up on me. It was wonderful when it was running well, but I guess that was a common issue. I'm thinking about trying a new reader, because I do have an awful lot of e-books, but have been a bit soured for the moment. I like the idea of carrying hundreds of books with me. Oh, and it will be hundreds, cuz I'm insane.

    BTW---I learned that when I went to the sony bookstore, I couldn't back the books up and they were formulated only for the sony reader. So I just go to, because those are more generally formatted, you can back them up, and you can use them in different readers. You don't get the same discount, but you don't run the same chance of losing the books. Also after my comp crashed, I was able to go to my account and simply download the books again. I never lost anything.


  • Lozhasleft

    I've got a Kindle ... Love it. Have read far more since I got it than I had for years previously. The ability to try a sample of the first chapter of a book is great for saving money, and the fact that you can access books anywhere, anytime. Prefer it to physical books now, never thought I would....

    Loz x

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    The Poisonwood Bible is one of my faves. Madeleine L'Engle, A Wrinkle in Time, and all C.S. Lewis books are also faves. I also enjoy Thomas Merton.

    I never purchased books b/c I had access to libraries. Amazon and B&N ereaders have changed that bit. I figure the hours of enjoyment and the fun of reading a book when it is still on a NYT Bestseller list.

    This past week I borrowed Salmon Rusdie's Satantic Verses. I love his other works. No big deal.

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