Threats from the JW mafia (subtle threats)

by thecrushed 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Joey Jo-Jo
    Joey Jo-Jo

    "When I thought I was out, they pull me back in"

  • erbie

    Don't worry jo-jo. They'll soon throw you back out again.

  • baltar447

    I agree, the leadership would throw the rank and file under the bus to protect their f*cking corporation

  • 00DAD

    go undercover ... hahahahahahahahaha!

    What a funny joke!

    Like they're some sort of spies or something ... hahahahahahahahaha!

    First of all, most R&F JWs are already so far off the government radar that there would be no need to "go undercover" (hahahaha, sorry can't stop laughing).

    Secondly, it's only the visible leadership that would have to worry. But they're absolutely safe because Armageddon is coming "soon" which means they'll all be dead of old age before the Big A hits the fan.

    Thirdly, according to their silly theology, Jehovah's going to save "his own" so meeting attendance is irrelevant. You're either on Jah's "Save List" or his "Manure List"

    Lastly, go undercover ... hahahahahahahahaha!

    What a joke. It's like the plot to a bad comic book.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "the brothers won't be able to trust me when the time comes to go undercover due to being attacked by the authorities."

    When they get attacked by the authorities, I would have thought that the brothers should be trusting in Jehovah rather than trusting in me. I'm certainly not the one claiming to be "God's channel." If they are God's channel, why would they need to trust in me. Well, on the other hand, I suppose I do have more trust in myself than I have trust in them. After all, I wasn't the one making promises about the Kingdom preaching work being done in the 20th century or flip-flopping about what the meaning of "the generation." So I already don't have trust in them or anything they have to say.

    Or is this some king of "overlapping trust".

  • Quandry

    Wait a minute.........

    For years they said that the book study groups would serve as meeting places when all the Kingdom Halls were shut down.........

    They hammered away at how important it was to get to the book study groups....

    Then they quit using private homes and sent everyone to the Khall......

    So if the Kingdom Halls are shut down, how will anyone go to a meeting?

    Ask him that.......

  • notjustyet

    And if someone was truly undercover and was trying to keep track of where the Jws were meeting, don't you think that THEY would be at EVERY meeting. So if you were missing meetings, you should be considered MORE trustworthy than the ones that never missed at all.

    Kinda makes sense in a weird sort of way, shich kinda scares me. lol


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