No can I get out of going in service?

by Captain Obvious 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nambo

    I used to feel Holy Spirit back in my better field Ministry days and wonder why if the organisation is wrong.

    When I think about my field service however, I realise I was never trying to push the organisation onto people, I was trying to push God so maybe thats why?

    The point being, if your concience wont let you lie, just relate the Biblical parts you belive are true.

    Assuming that is you arnt throwing the baby, (Jesus) out with the dirty bathwater.

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    00DAD is right....................

    They said.... Charlie .... you need to show Jah your devotion by means of service...............

    Nope............ I'm GOOD GUYS!

  • undercover

    If, per the info recently released, JWs are not representing the WTS when out in service and are pursuing this activity on their own, then who is to "make" you go out, if not yourself?

    And why report time and placements to an organization that you don't represent?

    As a representative of myself, I've decided that the door-to-door work is a miserable failure and have chosen to no longer partake in frustrating and irritating my neighbors.

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    I've decided that the door-to-door work is a miserable failure and have chosen to no longer partake in frustrating and irritating my neighbors.

    And I thank You Undercover(as I am the one they bother now) LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Nice_Dream

    I used to put a zero with a sad face on my time slip. After a few months, the elders would phone and see if I had any time, and I would sadly say no and they left me alone.

    I always hated service and would just tag along on return visits, or do drive bys. But when I had my matrix moment, I told my husband that I couldn't preach something I wasn't 100% sure of and I wasn't going out anymore. He went out a few times by himself and then stopped too.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    If you must prolong this for a bit then I suggest going out in FS right near the end of a month and then again within a few days of the start of the next month, ..e.g Go out twice in one week that straddles the end of the month, if you can only do saturdays then last saturday of April and 1st saturday of May, last saturday of June, 1st saturday of July, last saturday of August etc. Notice the almost 8 week gaps there?

    When the time comes for you to stop, as you must, then when the PO questioned me about my inactivity (4 months then) I said: "I'm doing research to confirm to myself that this is the Truth and until that process is completed I wont be going in FS". End of discussion.

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    If someone needed help............

    Jehovah would MAKE Sure HE GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It wasn't a Luck of the Draw with us JW's Going door to door..................

    yet if we weren't out how would they be saved??? Would you be Blood guilty?????

    Wait a God damn minute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Where the Hell are these Stones and Rocks that would CRY OUT IF NO ONE WAS THERE TO PREACH THE WORD???????????????

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Obvious, so much of what you say about your relationship with your wife reminds me of where we were a few years back. How can a person sell a product he doesn't believe in? For a period of time I compromised with my wife that I would just make RVs on householders who were chatty. Would meet and tell the group we were going alone. That quickly turned into the wife's RVs only and then eventually it got the best of me and I told her I could no longer support any amount of "field service". That was tough on her emotionally because we also had a child then, so she didn't have my help when she wanted to take our daughter out with her.

    You guys can make it through this. Not that it will be easy or quick, necessarily, but you can do it if you're persistent. If I were to do things over, I would probably be more patient but back then I NEVER expected her to lose her faith in the WTBTS so I was in a bit of despair. If I'd known she would eventually wise up to the WT's game, I'd like to think I would play my hand differently.

    I still remember the week she told me she was feeling skeptical about WT teachings. Man, that was an incredible feeling.

    FWIW, we were both DF'd in the fall of 2010 for apostasy, after I defended our inactivity with my parents and my dad sent the elders to "investigate" our views. Regardless, today we're as happy as ever. Here's my experience if it helps...

  • Jim_TX

    Okay, lots of other folks have made excellent suggestions. I skimmed through most of them, but didn't notice this one.

    If you really really really can't 'lie' and just say that you went out for an hour or two... then, maybe you could do the following...

    Take a handful of WTs and As and walk them into places like laundromats. Don't put them out where someone may pick them up and read them. Instead, tear them in half and drop them into the garbage cans that the nice folks put around for throwing away garbage.

    Then count the mags as placements on your timesheet, along with a few hours that it took you to do it.

    Hey. If you can't lie about it, then stretch the truth a wee bit, and also do everyone a favor by taking a few magazines out of circulation. You'ld actually be helping the general public by doing so. Just make sure that you rip the magazines in half (thirds is better), so that no one can retrieve them and read them.

    Just my .02 worth.


    Jim TX

  • undercover

    If you really really really can't 'lie' and just say that you went out for an hour or two... then, maybe you could do the following...

    Take a handful of WTs and As and walk them into places like laundromats. Don't put them out where someone may pick them up and read them. Instead, tear them in half and drop them into the garbage cans that the nice folks put around for throwing away garbage.

    Then count the mags as placements on your timesheet, along with a few hours that it took you to do it.

    Hey. If you can't lie about it, then stretch the truth a wee bit,

    If I were able to lie to myself that I actually went in service by throwing magazines away at a laundromat, I think I could reach a little further down and find the resolve to out and out lie on a piece of paper, saying I went 5 or 6 hours and placed 5 or 6 magazines.

    Actually, that's what I did. I turned in quite a few false reports, just to keep em off my back. Then I quit reporting. After the third month or so of telling them no time, no placements, they quit asking.

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