Examples of Fredrick Franz Horrible personality.

by Witness 007 89 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Glander

    Not the first mental case to fuel a cult movement with an intense, strong personality that sucked in mental weaklings. Jesus was the best.

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis


    It's a hand's down win, the strong educated young minds, would much rather dive into the teachings of the "New Atheist", like Sam Harris, late Hitchens and of course Richard Dawkins' They offer hope, joy, enlightment and inner peace to the depressed victims of "weak minded followers" of Jesus Christ. The hell with religious, weak minded men and women! Franz and Jesus Christ and their weak minded followers, should be pillaged for allowing themselves to be tricked, duped, hoodwinked............

    If I could wave a magic wand and get rid of either rape or religion, I would not hesitate to get rid of religion. - Sam Harris (THE NEW ATHEISTS - Researchers Crusade against American Fundamentalists, October 26, 2006)

    There's nothing more natural than rape. Human beings rape, chimpanzees rape, orangutans rape, rape clearly is part of an evolutionary strategy to get your genes into the next generation if you're a male. You can't move from that Darwinian fact about us to defend rape as a good practice. I mean no-one would be tempted to do that; we have transcended that part of our evolutionary history in repudiating it. - Sam Harris (ABC Radio National-The Religion Report, "Science Fatwah? Part 2: Sam Harris," December 20, 2006)

    @SicSemper It's probably not a good idea to speak of anything good Frantz may have done, since he was evil incarnate. Did you ever read about Dr. Walter Martin "Kingdom of the Cults" and his highly doubtful phD? The Mormon Church had a field day with this self-proclaimed Bible expert. The same items he attacked Fred Frantz on (education, scholar, polyglot), the Mormon church discovered were not so "doctorate worthy".

  • mP


    Franz did not speak hebrew. There are accounts where he was challenged in court to translate live a sccripture in Genesis into Hebrew and he stated he could not. Anyone can be a translator if they have a thesaurus and other similar books to help.

    The primary reason the team itself had no greek or Hebrew literacy is they were not translators but simply editors. They deleted difficult scriptures if it was not possible to change them. They changed many scriptures simply because they could. A perfect example is the insertion of Jehovah into the NT. Its dishonest to insert the name, which is itself a change fromwhatever sources they are using. If everyone changes the text because they know or feel they know what it should say what does that say about the integrity of the written words that make up the BIble. The BIble is a joke, for this very reason, there are countless edits and changes some personal while others are selfish and politically motivated.

  • ProdigalSon

    If it's true that he turned down a Rhodes Scholarship (there is a Fred Franz on the list of those who took the test and were accepted) then that tells us a lot about Freddie Franz. You have to be an initiate of the Brotherhood to get a Rhodes Scholarship, like Bill Clinton for instance. So if it's our beloved Freddie, then he was a charlatan who was trained in the mysteries, knew damn well what he was doing, and like Chuckie Russell, knowingly devised mind-control doctrine in service to the ruling elite and their agenda. Since he was never married, he was very likely a closet gay, and so Bethel was one hell of a convenient place for him to spend much of his life.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    My understanding is that was NOT offered a Rhodes. If I am correct from reading posts here, Franz had a single teacher who started the earliest procedural step to being considered for a Rhodes. Rhodes cast a fairly wide net but very few are chosen. He was not Clinton or anyother Rhodes Scholar I have met. There are various rounds in the selection process. He never made it out the gate. It is the height of pretension to claim a Rhodes from his standpoint.

    I've been privilege to work with the best and the brightest. When I practiced on Wall St., we talked about what we did not know and could never know adequately. The more one knows, the more one sees how humanly inadequate we are. With the exception of one roommate with a yen for self-promotion, brilliant people tend to be humble. In fact, Franz reminds me of Donald Trump in manner.

    It sounds as though he could have been a civil servant at the UN or State Department. His linguistic skills are notable. A friend works at the UN and is fluent in about five more languages-recognized by objective testing. Speaking current foreign languages does not confer proficiency in Greek or Hebrew for translation purposes.Can you imagine the sick hubris to alter the Bible, according to your whims?

    Did Franz have any proteges? It always seemed a one man show but my father knew the factory work. Franz in my life is similar to the Wizard of Oz. You realize this demigod was not any brighter than you are. Has anyone estimated how many deaths can be traced to this man?

  • Sic Semper Tyrannis
    Sic Semper Tyrannis

    I'm just giving my personal opinion since I actually met the man and more importantly, had relatives who knew him on a personal level. It's not a stretch to say that he was intelligent. He was college educated, spoke several languages, and was on the fast track to grad studies. I did not say that he spoke Hebrew fluently. He studied it, and had some knowledge of it. At the time, not many people could speak Hebrew since it was purely a liturgical language and had not yet been completety revived by the State of Israel. I certainly wouldn't say that Franz had that level of knowledge. As for the whole Rhodes issue, it is true that he was in the beginning stages of applying for it, meaning that he stood a chance to get it. But we'll never know, since he dropped out of college and went to Bethel. If Franz ever had a protege, it would be Lloyd Barry. Lloyd had a Masters degree and was one of the few GB members to have graduated from college (I believe Albert Schroeder was the only other one). He also spoke fluent Japanese. Franz preferred Barry over Henschel as his successor, but was voted down.

  • james_woods
    My understanding is that was NOT offered a Rhodes. If I am correct from reading posts here, Franz had a single teacher who started the earliest procedural step to being considered for a Rhodes. Rhodes cast a fairly wide net but very few are chosen.

    Exactly. It is highly phony to call yourself a Rhodes Scholar unless you were actually selected, went to the British university, and completed the curriculum.

    This is every bit as phony as Rutherford calling himself a "judge" when he only substituted for one once and never really held a judgeship.

    Not too uncommon for JW elite to make upp their resumes, apparantly.

  • thetrueone

    Examples of Fredrick Franz Horrible personality.

    If you could define a person personality upon their personal integrity and heart felt expressed honesty, F. Franz would fail miserably.

    Since he was the prominent bible theologian representing the WTS. during the late 60's and was the leading individual who developed and pushed

    1975 as one of the WTS. doctrines throughout many of the WTS. publications.

    You can conclude that he wasn't really endeavored to be personally honest but rather faithfully more devoted toward the Watchtower Corporation,

    which he held the position as the head editorial writer as vice president and president of .

    Actually the 6000 years of man's existence was once before used by the WTS. back in the early 1900's to support the New World organization theory.

    I was surprised by this bit of information myself. My own guess to why he pursed this 6000 year thing again is it had becoming apparent to him

    even back in the late 60's early 70's, that Generation who witnessed the events of 1914 were dieing off with nothing much happening to support

    the great tribulation doctrine. So he made a kind of diversion to take this realization away and out of the minds of people who were querying upon it.

    Of course the capability of calculating the length of mankind's existence on earth, no less to October of 1975 is quite the lying pretentious fraud

    of grander, for its impossible to accurately make that calculation from the bible or any other documented archaeological means.

    Because of this F. Franz should be acknowledged today as Fredrick the Fraud, a once devoted albeit corrupt leader of the Watchtower Corporation.

  • Pistoff

    I can't get over that picture. Man.

    Let's get up some names for him, based on that amazing fashion statement.

    Like, maybe, Flannel Fred.


    Phlannel Pharisee

    King of the Nerds?

  • Pistoff

    Fred's writings sound good to the WT members; of course, none of them have had a course on comparative religion, or historical/textual criticism.

    In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

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