They're spying me on facebook

by cookiemaster 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • cookiemaster

    Most of you have probably seen the apostasy trial video posted on YouTube (and all over social media) recently. Well, there's a "wordly" woman from another country that I had worked with some time ago and she's posted it, tagged me, and asked "WTF?", knowing I'm a still a JW just for family reasons. I commented that this is a dumbass, destructive cult, and how I can't wait to leave and take my family with me, as soon as possible. I made sure all my privacy settings at are their max. Nevertheless, as you can probably guess, someone has seen what I posted. My facebook account is not on my name, and I only have two JW's on my friends list because I had to add them for work reasons. Well, one of them seems to like to look at what I comment on other people's posts. The following day he called me, trying to make it sound like he was merely interested in how I was. Then he tells me: "Bro, I wanted to ask you something. I have seen a very worrying comment you posted to some woman's apostate link yesterday."
    I said "Really? Hmm...Weird. I have to say that I have no idea what you're talking about"
    He says: "Are you close to a computer"
    I said "No. Sorry but I'm outside, working. Plus, a recent storm took out the wires and I haven't had an internet connection in weeks"
    He then said: Ooh, okay then. We'll talk soon. Have a nice day! Bye!" and immediately hung up.
    I simply denied everything. And,of course I have deleted the comment a few hours later. I know there's nothing they can do to me, even if he rats me out, but damn. This is the guy I studied with before baptizing. He's probably shocked by my words. I don't know what to say when we meet next. And damn, I must find a way to get rid of all JW's from my facebook friends list.

  • sowhatnow
    yea facebook is a spy network, lol were not hiding anything on there. which is why mine is boring. juts photos i take, recipes, links to jokes and articles, yup boring. im not putting anything on there I wouldn't want the world to know,lol for me there is no one chasing me down for any explanation as to my absence , nor is my son, were just forgotten. that's ok by me, I barely notice the difference. id say get off facebook. just use private email. and never a cell phone.
  • nicolaou
    If AAWA were good for anything, it was the reminder to everyone that your privacy is precious! Don't trust Facebook to guarantee your anonymity.
  • pbrow

    Hey cookie... I think you have found a way to get rid of all the jdub's on your facebook. You just need to embrace your inner apostate instead of trying to hide him.


  • freemindfade

    die with the lie

    Delete the comment and explain to her that because its such a crazy cult like scientology they have PI's watching you. It will blow her mind, and make it so you can remove that.

  • DesirousOfChange

    . im not putting anything on there I wouldn't want the world to know,

    Good policy.

    Potential employers check things out too.


  • Vidiot

    "F.B.I." = "FaceBook Investigators"...

  • Godsendconspirator
    Make another facebook, block all JWs so they don't see the new account, add all your friends again.
  • cookiemaster
    Thanks for you advice guys! Great tips!
  • OnTheWayOut

    Facebook is a dangerous place. I have absolutely no JW friends. Some have asked, none get chosen. I have many ex-JW friends, but in order to be my friend when I don't personally know you, I have to see that you have some radical ex-JW's already as friends.

    Still, there's the backdoor- friends of friends can see something you have commented on sometimes.

    I found another backdoor that turned out to be a problem for me. I commented about my wife wanting to go to a JW meeting while we were out of town at my non-JW brother's wedding. Since my wife doesn't read FB and nobody who is close friends of hers reads MY stuff on there, it should have been okay. It wasn't even a regular status update. BUT IT WASN'T OKAY. My non-JW sister follows me and "Liked" my comment and she has this strange habit of saving things she likes on FB on her smartphone as photos. She had literally over 1200 photos on her phone and my comment was one of them. At the wedding reception, she showed a new photo to my wife and walked away for a moment. My wife flipped through hundreds of these photos and stopped at my comment and read it. She was mad about what I said about JW's and her wanting to go to a cult meeting. I couldn't even try explain how this wasn't meant for family but was commented to a hugely anonymous group of former JW's. That just wouldn't help matters.

    Anyway, I still post generically against the JW's on FB, but never anything really specific at all. Facebook is just a ticking time bomb for anyone that can't be 100% open all of the time. Watch your back there.

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