They're spying me on facebook

by cookiemaster 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Lurette Liberte
    Lurette Liberte
    I agree with having 2 separate accounts on Facebook....I opened one yesterday under the name I am using here. That will be for ex and non JW friends Only... I have only known t.t.a.t.t. since 4/6 and From what I've read don't put anything in writing (under your own name) at all as long as you're still on the inside... I'm in fade mode.
  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury
    No facebook works just fine for me. never had an account, never want an account. I cant understand the appeal of having people i dont know or even people i do know nosing thru my stuff.
  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    i have 2 FB a/cs--my real --private one for family and friends. very few xj's on it--only if they are close friends.

    but i also have my xjw a/c--stan livedeath--look me up and add if you want to. hundreds of "friends" on there--most ive never met.

  • zeb

    Obama was asked by a college student for his advice on heading toward being a President of the USA. Obamas reply was simple.

    "Watch what you put on Facebook".

    Me. I am not on it.

  • KateWild

    I hardly use it and am selective about who I friend on it.

    Kate xx

  • Freesoul
    If your asked about the comment, just say your Facebook again was hacked
  • FayeDunaway
    Yup I had two accounts too when I was fading. It was really a great way to find old friends who had left the religion! I don't know what I would have done without their support!! Now I hardly go on fb anymore, I've graduuated :) but was pretty heavily addicted for a while.

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