Thanks to all

by Socrateswannabe 25 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Alfred

    I'm surprized that I've never heard of this book... thanks for sharing!

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    I like your first post, especially the Peter Sellers reference - very good! I can relate pretty well to how you feel, I don't mind watching either, and there is part of my family for whom I don't want to break the illusion because it's all they have. On the other hand, the rest of my family would probably benefit from the truth about "the truth."

    As much as it isn't killing me to go through the motions (show up at meetings, go to Starbuck's.. er, I mean out in field service to nonproductive RV's once a month) for the time being, this just isn't going to last. Too much is expected of me from members of the congregation. I could be a valuable asset, but I am holding back (not answering, not in ministry school) and they know it. I am hoping to find a natural "out" in the next few years. . . Until then, we'll see. . .

    Good luck on your quest!

  • Socrateswannabe

    Thank all of you for the warm welcome and kind words!

  • 00DAD

    Welcome and thanks for sharing!

    Your posts reminds me that there may be more, many more, lurking and reading than we think!

    I didn't know about The Atheist's Book of Bible Stories before. Some interesting points!

    I especially liked the Bible Apologist's Toolbox section at the end.

    Here a link to it as a pdf: The Atheist's Book of Bible Stories.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Welcome SocratesWannabe ,great first post !

  • Momma-Tossed-Me

    socrates, keep in mind to remain active you must promote "true worship" through proselytising and financial suport monitored by your immediate family. that continues this horible religion that violates human rights and even is resposible for the death of many adherants. sorry about spelling etc. posting from phone.

  • leavingwt


  • Flat_Accent

    I've certainly been observing your invisible presence for the last few months.

    Welcome to the clan.

  • craigulous

    Socrates, thanks for the post, I am a relative newbie myself. I also love the Peter Sellers reference, good flick. I can relate to your position, I am still not DF'ed and have disengaged, but try to stay under cover to maintain my relationship with my parents. I cannot imagine still going to meetings without clawing my eyes out during the opening prayer. You quiet nature probably serves you very well in this situation, keeps you from self incriminating.

  • TOTH


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