How Will the Society React to the Hundred Year Anniversary of 1914?

by slimboyfat 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • truth_b_known

    I don't think there will be any special attention drawn to the fact that 1/10 of Christ's reign is over all we have nothing to thank Jesus for other than he imprisioned Satan and his demons on earth.

  • tornapart

    It'll be no.3 .. it'll be impossible for them to ignore and they will realise that just as after 1975 many could fall away so there'll be a big push to make everyone feel disloyal by even thinking such a thing. They'll make a big thing about Satan drawing many away who lack faith and put a big guilt trip on everyone. There'll be emotional manipulation and a big stick hitting us to make sure we keep busy busy busy in this time of the end.

  • nugget

    As time goes on jws become less aware of their history and implications of it. I can remember several versions of the generation teaching, Malawi, 1975 etc. but many recent converts and born ins from the 1980s have been led to believe in a fictional account of these times. This means that the society can imply that any idea regarding the 1914 observers being there at he end was a fiction created by human imperfection among believers and not something they ever taught. How they explain 100 years of Christ rule with little impact on society in general is a little more challenging but I am sure they can spin it.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I see some good ideas here that they could run with. A few will wake up but the brainwashed masses will just go along with whatever they say whether they say something or just ignore the issue.

    Maybe they could use their one day equal 1000 years creative day theory. They could claim that the 100 years that have passed since 1914 are only one 10th of a 24 hour day in God's eye so it has only been about 2 1/2 hours since 1914. Barely enough time for Jesus to get a cup of coffee and grab a dougnut before begining work.

  • Emma

    #1 gets my vote.

  • Nambo

    Every day it gets closer to the BIG test at the end of the thousand year reign, so maybe the Watchtower will concentrate on promoting that date instead, that way they can relax a bit for another 900 years.

  • heathen

    I'm going with number 5. They will mention Noah and how he had 120 years , they have before and it will just be repeating it anyway . Remember now a prophetic year is 360 days so it won't be exactly 2034. They'll never give up 1914 , they're commited to that with way too much dogma . Ignoring 100 years of activity would be a waste of advertising time and a great opportunity to boast .

  • slimboyfat

    It's interesting - opinion seems to be fairly divided on what they will do. I must confess I have no settled view on how they will deal with it. It could easily go any number of ways because the current GB seems to be in a state of flux and not easy to read. They probably don't know themselves yet, if they have even given it much thought or discussed it.

    The fact that the GB are down to seven men and have failed to appoint any new members for years might indicate they are a cautious bunch who will only act if and when absolutely necessary. So on that basis I think I have a slight bias for inaction and option 1 or 2.

    By the way, according to WT teaching 2014 will not be 100 years into the thousand year reign, because the official line is the the thousand years starts after Armageddon, not 1914.

  • thetrueone

    The New World Translation of the Bible will be changed miraculously to say Generation after Generations, from the singular Generation

  • heathen

    Good point slmboy , they will consult lawyers as to the liability of what to say then after God advises them thru his channel of sewer rats they will proceed. They do have a paradox going since Jesus has been ruling for a hundred years as to when the millenial reign begins.

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