The Flood - ? So how did kangaroos get to Australia? How come they are no where else?

by BroMac 40 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Zordino

    Ok BroMac.... We're even

  • paladin

    I like the idea of the kangaroos doing the back stoke. lol

  • Zordino

    Billy, Great Link to your old Post on the subject. WT flip flops are nothing new. I any event, a lot of JW's are delusional and don't really peer deep into anything over and above what the Washtowel Babble and Crap Society says. Most are oblivious to the WT's retarded views.

  • ThomasCovenant

    It is approximately 7,000 miles from Ararat to South America. (via a large wet blue section now known as the Atlantic, ridged or not ridged).

    If the two sloths on the Ark (two toed or three toed variety I'm not sure which ones Noah took) travelled a foot a minute for 8 hours a day it would have taken them about 210 years to reach their destination. Average life span is about 20 years.

    Sloth arrival was therefore about 2160 BC.

  • Phizzy

    I haven't had time to read the whole thread, I am being chased up by my better half to do some bloody work, but what about the unique flightless birds on New zealand ? Did they build a raft ?

    Edited to say : sorry read the thread now, already dealt with. They cannot explain so much, why do they perisit in literal interpretation of so much of the Bible ?they would get many more recruits if they made their religion less loony.

  • mP

    Everybody knows that the Dutch brought the kangaroos to the west coast in the 1600s, and the British to the east in 1800.

  • cantleave

    BroMac, here's a basic rule of thumb, if it's in the Watch Tower, then it's Bullshit!

  • mP

    Everybody knows the British and French were playing switcheroo with animals. The main problem is the original homelands of birds like kiwis have lost their original populations. The fact that NZ is an island far from anywhere is what saved the kiwi there from the kiwi in its original homeland.

  • WTWizard

    There is a logical answer. First, the Flood is nothing more than a representative of something that happens when you begin to grow spiritually. This cannot happen within the narrow Judeo-Christian or Muslim paradigms, let alone among the witlesses. Second, the flood was a regional thing only. There were several days of very heavy rain, and the Euphrates flooded greatly on top of the usual spring floods. This added another 7 meters of water on top of already flooded waters. People died, but some found refuge on a cargo barge which landed on a hilltop. There's your flood.

    Too bad the witlesses are not able to answer such questions, or to find and accept such blatantly simple and plausible explanations as these.

  • Phizzy

    Bible literalists also suffer from beleiving that the text is inspired and therfore inerrant, and make it even harder for themselves to explain what are simply myths and legends.

    Even dear old Ray Franz still suffered from this to a degree long after he had seen through the WT. He accepted that it could not have been a Global flood but wrote a long essay justifying the Genesis way of telling the story, he could have saved himself the effort if he had just realised that the Bible is not inspired, or indeed the word of god.

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