Do COs have a cushy life?

by A question 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • LostGeneration

    I wouldn't call is cushy...maybe "secure" is a good way of putting it. But at what cost?

    Endless amounts of Field service (yuk), as mention same talks and for both the speaker and his wife. Always "on stage" so to speak.

    A high price to pay for a little bit of security IMO.

  • wisdomfrombelow

    I wouldn't consider it a cushy life. However, it does have "perks" in the theocratic sense. They are considered to be like the apostle Paul in their own minds. I keep hearing about "green handshakes" but I never gave one to any WT representative. Maybe growing up a JW made me "cheap".

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    I don't consider it cushy or secure. It is however unrealistic and cushioned from the pressures that most people have. Every meal is cooked as a special meal for the CO and his wife. They live rent free, the car is paid for.

    People suck up to gain favour and every word is hung on.

    Nothing however belongs to them, as soon as things go wrong they are an ex-CO with nothing.

    Our CO has just been fired, a letter arrived on his door mat and in September, no house, no car, no job and no severance. Why? his wife was not well. They don't even have the decency to tell him face-to-face. One of the managers of an assembly hall here in the UK has been given the same treatment. COs and DOs, bethel representatives have been visiting weekly but is there face time? No its the dreaded white letter on the mat. Thank you and goodbye.

    I truly believe that most of these people are just as misled and victims of an outrageous con as cong. elders and r & f.

  • MrDarkKnight

    Cushy until the free ride runs out...

  • OnTheWayOut

    It has it's easy parts. You give the same talks 20 times, you go out in recruiting nearly everyday, but spend most of it shmoozing with the JW's and telling them how they can do better. They are rock stars visiting these congregations.

    They don't have a health plan, but if they pocket most of the green handshakes, they should be prepared to retire if health gets to them or their wife.

  • talesin

    Here's an interesting, and sometimes provocative, thread from a few years back. It provides some 'details' as well.

    My personal opinion is that it can't be much of a life, especially in later years. No kids, no home, and no community of friends. All your relationships would have been, by the very nature of your job and life, transitory.

    Very sad, indeed.


  • yesidid

    It is not a cushy life!

  • Glander

    It depends on the man, and, if he is married, the woman. I have known of several CO wives who would stay in a small travel trailer in the parking lot of the KH almost 24 hours a day during the visit. The CO was constantly fielding inquiries about her. His standard response was always that she was suffering from a vague malaise that implied female problems. The fact was that she was holed up with a jug of Carlo Rossi Burgundy. I don't know about DO's lives so much but CO's and their wives have a real grind.

    Desirous describes an arrangement where they have a central, permanent living arrangement and commute to the circuit congs. That would be a huge improvement over the old practice of staying in a different private home week to week or dragging a trailer around.

    I think the CO ass kissing perk would become tedious very quick, based on the individual. Maybe some CO's thrive on it.

  • talesin


    Your comment makes so much sense. And what life is that for Mrs. CO? Of course she drinks ,,, she has NO status in the community, no career (like the, albeit token one, her husband does), and no friends .. no chance of a family .... dammit, I'd be a drunk, too!

    So sad all around,,,, SMH.


  • snare&racket

    Imagine working your whole life for someone else's gains....

    Your car...not yours, your home, not yours, your town ....not yours. No family, no children, no money, crap clothes, crap everything. Maybe a free laptop.

    Your wife and you get no free time, all hours are spent on ministry, giving talks, writing talks, hearing people moan, sorting out elders, sorting out issues you really are not qualified to sort. Then there is the guilt, the honest look in the eye of every co... That this may just all be bullshit.... Topped off with the very scary demand to be funny at every kingdom hall, regular as clockwork those gags have to work. The repetition of the lines evident by the wife's bored non laughter when the punch lines break. What a horrid life, who the hell would want that? Go to college and get a meaningful job... Yuk!

    I was on the path to being groomed for circuit work... one day, was even told I would be fast-tracked because I went to Bethel. I am so ashamed that I once was led to believe by my upbringing that working in a factory or as a travelling salesman was a privilege, brainwashed slave labour for a book company. face palm !

    Snare x

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