Does the WTS now teach that the people of Noah's day and the people of Sodom will be resurrected?

by garbonzo 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    JWS always joke about it: "Make sure to survive Armageddon to find out for yourself".

  • cantleave

    Idiotnog - the reason for the question is because this is one the major flip flops of your gods.

    BTW you really are an idiot!

  • cheerios

    cantleave .. there is NO way that was djeggtard ... his post wasnt 389310234591827123581235618092351059623918347180923456132562309750932650386 lines long

    he should change his name to: djTL;DR

    (thats too long, didnt read)

  • mindseye

    The homosexualists of Sodom will probably not be resurrected. However, Lot, who escaped and had drunken sex with his daughters, will be resurrected.

  • blondie

    The answer is NO at this time but it has changed many times.

    Who does the Watchtower say will be Resurrected?

    Russell also believed that everyone will be resurrected, including Adam and those from the days of Noah, in line with scriptures such as 1 Corinthians 15:22;

    "As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive."

    4/1/1916 Watchtower page 104

    What advantage could accrue to the world through Christ's death if there were no future judgment or trial for them? All were judged once in the person of Adam; and his condemnation passed upon all. (` Romans 5:12 `; ` 1 Corinthians 15:22 `.) The world needs no further judgment along the lines of the Adamic transgression and its weaknesses. The judgment for that transgression was complete, and nothing could be added. The Judge was Jehovah Himself; the sentence was death.

    But now the Gospel includes the fact that Christ is to be the Judge of the world. This signifies that a new trial for life is to be accorded to Adam and his race. This fact of itself implies a release from the original death sentence, a redemption from Adam's sentence, and an individual trial to determine which members of the redeemed race will be accounted worthy of life everlasting. Yes; this is the "good tidings of great joy which shall be unto all people"--even though the Adversary has deluded the vast majority into thinking to the contrary-- that no new trial such as Adam had at first is to be granted to the whole world, bought with the precious blood of Christ.

    All are witnesses that this trial could not have begun before Jesus became the Judge. Hence none of those who had died during the four thousand years preceding His earthly ministry could have been judged by Him. None of them could have been on trial for life eternal. All should likewise be aware of the fact that the world in general has not been on trial since our Redeemer was appointed Judge, and that it is not on trial today; that, on the contrary, the great mass of the world neither knows the Judge nor understands the Law, nor has any conception of the requirements necessary to life everlasting.

    July 1879 WT page 8

    But can knowledge ever reach these billions in their graves while dead? No; God has provided for the resurrection of them all. For "as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive." As death came by the first Adam, so life comes by the second Adam. Everything that mankind lost in the first, is to be restored in the second. Hence, the age following Christ's second coming is spoken of as "the times of restitution."

    Life is one of the things lost, and is to be one of the things restored. Mark me! I do not say eternal life is given them. No; Adam never had eternal life to lose; if he had it, he could not have died. He had natural life, lost natural life, and it is to be natural life that the second Adam restores. This is a certain sort of salvation that Christ accomplishes for all; but the eternal salvation, which believers receive, is entirely different. --------------------------

    The Sodomites.Surely if we find their restitution mentioned you will be satisfied. But why should they not have an opportunity to obtain eternal life as well as you or the Jew? They were not wicked in the proper sense, for they did not have law or much knowledge. True, they were not righteous, but neither were you when God gave you your opportunity. Christ's own words shall tell us that they are not asguilty in His sight as the Jews, who had more knowledge: "Woe unto thee Capernium, for if the mighty works which have been done in thee had been done in Sodom it would have remained unto this day." Thus Christ's own words teach us that they had not had their full opportunity. "Remember," Christ says of the Sodomites, that "God rained down fire and destroyed them all." So, if their restoration is spoken of, it implies their resurrection.

    Let us look at the prophecy, ` Ezek. 16:48 ` to the close. Read it carefully. God here speaks of Israel and compares her with her neighbor, Samaria, and also with the Sodomites, whom he says, "I took away as I saw good." Why did God see good to take away these people without giving them a chance of eternal life through the knowledge of "the only name?" Because it was not their duetime. They will come to a knowledge of the truth when restored. He'll save them from death's bondage first, and then give them knowledge as it is written. "God will have all men to be saved, and to come to a knowledge of the truth." When brought to the knowledge, then, and not until then, are they on trial for eternal life. With this thought, and with no other, can we understand the dealings of the God of love with those Amalekites and other nations, whom he not only permitted, but commanded Israel to butcher. "Slay Amalek utterly--leave neither man, woman or child." "Spare not the little ones." How often my heart has ached, and yours, too, as we sought to reconcile this apparent wantonness on God's part with the teachings of the new dispensation, "God is love," "Love your enemies," &c. Now we can see that the entire Jewish age was a type of the higher, Gospel age; Israel's victories and conquests merely pictures of the Christian's battles with sin, etc. These Amalekites and Sodomites and others were used to illustrate, or to be "examples" "for our admonition;" and these people might just as well die so, as of disease and plague, and it mattered little to them as they were merely learning to know evil, that when on trial, "in due time," they might learn good and be able to discriminate and choose life.


    Or that people in general would not be destroyed at Armageddon but survive.....

    *** jv chap. 12 p. 163 The Great Crowd to Live in Heaven? Or on Earth? ***After the Gentile Times ended, they thought that the time of restitution was very near; so from 1918 down till 1925, they proclaimed: “Millions now living will never die.” Yes, they understood that people then living—mankind in general—had the opportunity to survive right into the time of restitution and that they would then be educated in Jehovah’s requirements for life. If obedient, they would gradually attain to human perfection. If rebellious, they would, in time, be destroyed forever.

    The timeline of the S&G in and out of Gehenna

    • 1879 - Will be resurrected
    • 1955 - Will not be resurrected
    • 1965 - Will be resurrected
    • 1967 - Will not be resurrected
    • 1974 - Will be resurrected
    • 1988 - Will not be resurrected
    • 1988 - Will be resurrected
    • 1989 - Will not be resurrected


    WTS flips re Adam and Eve (see above)

    *** w01 7/1 p. 7 par. 2 Rejoice in the Knowledge of Jehovah ***Adam and Eve grew old and eventually died with no hope of a resurrection.

    The book, Three Worlds and the Harvest of This World, [21] was published in early 1877. [22] It articulated ideas that remained the teachings of Russell's associates for the next 40 years, many of which are still embraced by Jehovah's Witnesses: it identified a 2520-year-long era called "the Gentile Times", which would end in 1914, and broke from Adventist teachings by advancing Russell's concept of "restitution" — that all humankind since Adam would be resurrected to the earth and given the opportunity for eternal perfect human life.'s_Witnesses

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Idiotnog - the reason for the question is because this is one the major flip flops of your gods.

    BTW you really are an idiot! (bold mine)

    That was pretty insulting (see posting guideline #1)

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    oh as for the question wait til the next WT. It might be changed again

    Blondie - as always you come up with the direct quotes

  • cantleave

    But LL he IS an idiot!

  • cantleave

    Double Post

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    whether he is or isn't is not the point.

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