End of the Preaching Work?

by Slidin Fast 28 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    There is a rumour (from someone who should know better) that members of the GB are going round saying that the preaching work is accomplished. This comes from a seniour elder and I therefore take it a bit more seriously than some sources.

    If this is true then it kinda links in with the reduction of the Half Awake and the Watch Slightly-Higher-Mound-Look-Out magazines.

    Has any one else heard anything?

  • Flat_Accent

    Sounds interesting, but I wouldn't buy into it until i've seen a letter from HQ.

    Did the elder tell you directly, or have you got this info from hearsay?

    Either way it's quite possible that the Elders, who already know about the Awake reduction/Internet push have jumped to the conclusion that this is a sign of the preaching being accomplished. Any kind of change, in the minds of the witnesses, will always be taken as getting closer to the end.

  • cantleave

    I wouldn't read anything into this at all. JW's are a cult. They need to keep people busy. THe preaching work is the preferred method.

    My guess is the elder has read the "secret" letter and jumped to a conclusion!

  • OnTheWayOut

    If they were losing money on publications, publications would stop altogether.

    But even then, they have measures they can take to keep the "recruiting" work going. The door-to-door work is such a controlling factor. If they didn't have to turn in monthly reports, there would be virtually nothing to keep track of active JW's. They can go out with flyers if not full mags and brochures and books. They can go out with stuff printed from the internet that they provided their own ink and paper for. They can go out with a Bible message without actual WT materials.

    They are a long way off from ceasing this recruiting work, despite it's miserable returns.

  • insearchoftruth

    They call it recruiting work, but it is really merely busy work. There are three women from a local congregation who perform their field service weekly out by the side of our building, they are there holding a stack of literature, but I have never seen them address anyone at all, I purposefully walk right by them many times and even say hello and no response to me at all, so what is the true zeal, none!!!

  • JediMaster

    Not preaching itself but the "witnessing". (Mat 24:14) I've heard the same thing from a CO who heard it first-hand from a GB member, or so he said.

    The preaching work will never cease right up till Armageddon, but the "witness to all the nations" has been accomplished.

    This was back in 2006 I think when the Deliverance at Hand DC was being announced, so the "rumor" has been around for a while. But I consider my source to be reputable as well.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Changing the work could make it seem like the end is really imminent.

    Declaring that the "witness to all the nations" is finished, but that individuals out of the nations can still be recruited/converted- this would change nothing but appear to be a change that would say the end is imminent because the Bible says "the end will come" right after that witness to the nations.

    They call it recruiting work, but it is really merely busy work.

    "They" do not call it recruiting work. I and other ex-JW's call it recruiting. But yeah, just busy work.

  • insearchoftruth
    "They" do not call it recruiting work. I and other ex-JW's call it recruiting. But yeah, just busy work.

    Thats true, I guess better stated they seem to think it will serve to bring in new members, but seems to be pretty fruitless.

    A change in what they are doing, even the reduction in the size of the public magazines is going to add some new zeal to the members, another way to spin we are closer to the end, don't have the time to read 32 page mags, only 16 page mags.

  • sabastious
    There is a rumour (from someone who should know better) that members of the GB are going round saying that the preaching work is accomplished. This comes from a seniour elder and I therefore take it a bit more seriously than some sources.

    There was a district overseer named brother Woodly that told a group of around 1,000 people at an assembly hall that the preaching work was over. It was around 6 years ago and he said it was over because their were too many people being born. He admited to all of us that the preaching work was indeed an impossible task because they couldn't keep up with the world population's birth rate. I sat there mouth agape.


  • jookbeard

    Ive never heard it called "recruiting work" by active witnesses or any other source, pretty poor performance TBH, probably over a 100 years in over 200 lands, Gilead school,missionaries,special pionsneers, regular pionsneers, billions of recorded hours which they love to boast about, international conventions, branch offices in countless lands, MEPPS, books printed in almost every language known to mankind from Swahili to Pidgin, and all they can show is 8 million odd on a planet that contains 7 billion! Epic fail IMO.

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