What's the strangest thing you've heard someone seek counsel with the elders about?

by keyser soze 37 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Nambo

    Merely talking to Elders about such powerfull urges as Masturbation wont ever be enough, the Spiritual big guns need to be brought into play, such as the Laying on of hands.

  • notjustyet

    I would read and pray more but the pages are

    all stuck together!!

  • Botzwana

    I confessed one time to the Elders about being fascinated by Halloween.

  • Quarterback

    Wha happened: I would have had an answer for you. I would have told you, "Don't worry, I think that you will receive the heavenly calling and won't need to drink milk"

  • EmptyInside

    One sister asked to meet with the elders,and they had no clue what she wanted to talk about. Here,she just wanted to ask permission to wear a wig to the meeting. They gave her the go ahead,and she showed up the next meeting with a blonde afro wig on.

  • Sheep2slaughter

    Idk why anyone would tell an elder they masterbate. Why is that the congregations business. I know I know the whole unwholesome desire, selfish act blah blah blah blah blah. Who cares. Guilt is a tremendous motivator and they use it well. Jehovah does not care of you jack-off!

  • Phizzy

    O.K, thats all right then, I'm just going for a Sherman, woops, no I won't, He may not care, but I'm sure that purvy Jehoober is looking !

    Puts you right off.

  • blondie
    The elders wanted to DA/DF a guy there for being seen smoking while driving his car.
    The guy successfully defended himself (and the CO bought into it) by saying that he was holding a white ball point pen in his mouth when he was seen.

    My husband was told the "cigarette" was a pencil and all the other elders believed it....that young "brother" ended up in prison because he could not convince the police that his gun was really a pencil. The elders would have believed it...........

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