Do the Jehovah Witnesses break up families?

by trailerfitter 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • NewChapter

    I'm so sorry. There is very little that can be done, unless you are willing to submit---even passively---to the WT masters. She is probably taking the 'spiritual endangering' out. JW's can only divorce for adultery. Even if a legal divorce is obtained, scripturally they still consider themselves married. However there are 3 accepted reasons to separate---even if this is done through divorce (which won't be scriptural).

    Spiritual Detriment: If the spouse's activities seriously threaten your dedication to the GB. I'd say to god, but we all know that's not true.

    Willful nonsupport: Since it is the husband's role to provide the financial security to his family, if he willfully refuses to do this.

    AND extreme abuse: And this must be extreme. The occasional black eye doesn't qualify, but some have ingeniously parlayed this to include emotional abuse.

    In the end, they always do what they want anyway, and find a way to justify it. I don't mind. It's how it should be. But it's just their self-righteous attitude that makes it grate.

    You may be moving on to phase two. If you don't reconcile, and this ends in divorce, prepare to be stalked. She will want to know who you have sex with and when. Only by you committing fornication will she obtain her scriptural divorce and be free to remarry. So prepare yourself. You may choose to just tell her you've found someone, and be done with it. But if you withhold the info, or there is no info to share, she will be watching! How is THAT for an aphrodisicac? Knowing that an ex-spouse is watching your home from a car all night, with at least one witness?


  • WTWizard

    The witlesses use disfellowshipping as their pretext for busting up families. If you break one of their rules, they make sure your family is held hostage so you have to go through the reinstatement process. And then they make sure you have absolutely nothing to do with relatives until you are back.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    That is sad

    I've thought many times it would have destroyed my marrage if I stayed in. Best wishes to you and your family

  • Joliette

    You bet! Welcome to the board!

  • Morbidzbaby

    Ugh...I'm so sorry this happened to you. I was a JW and my ex was as well...I decided to leave...he decided he couldn't deal with that and I lost my home and my children. So I feel for you, I truly do.

    Your wife is under complete and utter emotional and mental control. She's in the very beginning stages of being a JW where EVERYTHING that is not JW-related is SATAN, period. In her eyes, Satan is using you to break her integrity to god, but in reality your sound reasoning is making her question her belief in her religion...and she just can't have that. In her mind, god and the JW's are one and the same. God works through the JW's. So to leave them is to leave god. This is the point in time when most new converts lose their family and friends because they've alienated them with their fanatical ways. I don't blame you for being angry with everything. You've basically lost the wife you knew and she's become a bible-beating cult member.

    We're all here to chat if you need to...

  • ziddina

    I am very sorry to hear about this, TrailerFitter...

    You mentioned that you are "homeless". Has she thrown you out completely? Or do you just feel that you no longer have a home?

    I would suggest some cunning behavior, if you're interested... And you would have to discuss this with your son, and see if he's "on board" with this sort of - um, subterfuge????

    Here goes.

    Get back into contact with her... Be very contrite. Pretend that you're very sorry for doubting the Watchtower Corporation.

    You can stop right there, and have a sort of "armed truce", if you wish. If so, I would start to play the "headship" card, along with the occasional admonishment that you "can't see how this organization could be the "trooth", if wifey doesn't respect your headship the way the bible says she should"....

    HAMMER that headship point. It can be your BEST friend!!

    Pretend to be interested in the Watchtower "theology". "Gee, honey, maybe I was wrong. Let's take another look at that stuff..."

    Agree to a study, if necessary - and be the DUMBEST study they've ever had.

    "I don't understand why you people believe [in 607 BC when every bible scholar in the world agrees on 587 BC] or [that King David and King Solomon were "great" kings, when the nation of Israel was ALWAYS a minor region under the control of various world powers] or [you people don't allow blood transfusions when the old testament talks about EATING blood and the new testament refers to PAGAN practices of BATHING in blood] or any and every point that you know they're wrong on.....

    And so on...

    Pretend to have had a MAJOR "change of heart", but FRUSTRATE THE HELL out of them!! Ask them EVERY SINGLE QUESTION that will expose their idiocy or unscriptural dogma - depending on your viewpoint - and stick with it, but SMILING and SACCARINE-SWEET all of the time...

    You'll have to put on a false-face to your wife, too...

    Think of it as going on an undercover assignment, that may take a few years, to get someone "out" of a dangerous situation. And you need to "play" spy, correctly, in order to accomplish your mission...

    Best results to you...

  • ziddina

    OOOO! Just read Carla's post!!! Sounds like she's had FUN with her JW mate - and had quite a bit of success, too!!! [eeeeee - vil grin!!]

  • moshe

    I have first hand knowledge of what JW spouses will do the get out of a marriage when their mate quits the KH. I'll see if I can come up with any ideas after a full night of rest. Good Luck.

  • ziddina

    Thanks, Moshe!! G'nite!

  • cedars

    Hi trailerfitter, I'm really sorry it's turned out for you like this. I really don't know what to say, other than well done for standing your ground and protecting your children from indoctrination. I'm sorry you paid such a heavy price for battling the mind-control tactics of a cult.

    If I can do anything to help, please PM me.


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