C.O. Is coming this week

by Freeof1914 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • carla

    Alfred said, "Then... wait for it... you guessed it... they both went into the usual "who preaches worldwide, which doesn't participate in wars and who doesn't believe in the trinity" routine (their comfort zone), without acknowledging that the 1975 fiasco was a direct result of totally improvised doctrine that had no Biblical basis whatsoever..."---- seriously? they use that on a baptized jw? They had nothing better than the same spiel they use on the doors?!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Ask if the CO is available on Monday. You'll be informed that Monday is his "day off".

    "they basically told me I needed to be more humble and just tow the line like many others have before me"

    Isn't that the kind of thing that Isaiah, Jeremiah, anybody that spoke up against the corrupt kings and priests were told that they should do? ... Just shut up and stay in your place?... Isn't that what the Pharisees wanted Jesus to do? Would it really be right to ignore scriptural direction in order to support an "organization"?

  • moshe

    "Sure come on over- and I have a reporter from the Kumquat Free Press who wants to sit in on the visit- he is doing a story on JWs and has some questions for the CO about official shunning and the broken JW familes it causes"

    Yesiree, that should keep the CO away -

  • ziddina

    OOOOO, Moshe!!!

    You come up with the BEST ideas!!!

    I'm thoroughly envious!!!

  • moshe

    I do know how make JWs run for cover- crying all the way back to the KH.

  • ziddina

    Hey, Moshe!!!

    If you're still on-board, could you pop over to this thread:


    And take a look at my post to TrailerFitter?

    And see if you can come up with an even better [read, more eee -v - er, effective] plan???


  • dozy

    I was an elder who faded - these visits can be very tricky to handle. The elders & CO mean well in most cases.

    I stuck to one or two key concerns that were very well documented & worked hard to keep the discussion to these subjects but it became clear that the elders were not listening & were just trying to dig up enough dirt to make trouble. I eventually thanked them for their time & that I would let them know when I wished to have further discussions. Since then they haven't bothered and I haven't seen the CO for 3 years.

    The CO knows the score with these situations - they have seen it many times over the years.

    Frankly , I would just avoid a meeting if at all possible or if this isn't possible make it clear right at the beginning that you have private concerns that you don't want to discuss & stick resolutely to this regardless. It takes discipline to do this and it can be quite intimidating having a couple of elders & a CO in front of you interrrogating you. Good luck.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    I'm pretty sure the apostacy tag can be applied even if you have NOT spread the doubts to others, personally held beliefs contrary to the WTS are sufficient for DF. I think it's in the latest elders book that it changed...

    So be very careful if you meet with them.

  • iCeltic

    Thanks but no thanks.

    I was offered the visit with the co, I said no. I never heard from the elders again for 12 years, that is until last year when I was phoned and asked to help them with something, something for their advantage and my disadvantage. Unbelievable.

  • FreeAtLast1914

    I had one of those visits myself. I was roughly a year into my full fade, not having been to any meetings, assemblies, conventions, or service at all. The gang was two local elders and the CO. The trick is to keep your doubts to one topic. Don't be all over the map. Focus on one thing that is wrong with the Organization and stick to it, telling them repeatedly that your conscience will not allow you to go back at this time.

    They will ask the classic question, "Do you still feel Jehovah is directing the Organization?"

    This is where you play their own Theocratic Strategy card on them. Lie. Tell them, "Absoultely. That's why I hope they eventually get this right."

    That was three years ago. Not a single elder has been by since. No judicial action was taken, despite efforts by my dad and brother to get me DF'd. Nothing happened. I know this because there are a few JWs who still talk to me, though it is generally brief. The elders simply could move against me on a single issue gripe that I was keeping to myself.

    That's my two cents.

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