What date in 1914 did Satan get chucked out?

by usualusername 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • St George of England
    St George of England
    But how fast can satan travel from heaven to earth?

    No idea, but I do know things have been much better down here since he's been in charge.

    Most of us live much longer, have better health and living conditions, we no longer send women and children down the mines etc etc.

    I have yet to meet someone who would rather have lived even a century ago.


  • thetrueone

    Satan the Devil unfortunately is just one of the mystical identities told by the ancient Hebrew civilization, as well as their supposed good god Yahweh.

    There were others identities given to supposed evil gods or spirits by other civilizations throughout that time frame of human existence.

    All gods throughout human history are foundational expressions of human ignorance of the world we live in, the same world the

    the ancients once lived in themselves in their era.

    PS.... but the WTS. and other religions will never tell you that, obviously for their own reasons

  • blondie

    The WTS teaches that Satan was a fallen angel.

    *** it-1 p. 107 Angel ***Angels too can travel at tremendous speeds, far exceeding the limits of the physical world. Thus when Daniel was praying, God dispatched an angel to answer his prayer; and the angel arrived within moments, even before the prayer was concluded.—Da 9:20-23.

    *** w61 1/15 p. 58 Angels—God’s Spirit Messengers ***We may also safely conclude that angels, God’s spirit messengers, travel at tremendous speeds. Thus once when Daniel began to pray, God dispatched an angel to him in answer to his prayer. This angel, although coming from beyond the realms of outer space, reached Daniel before he had concluded his prayer.—Dan. 9:21.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Bumping. This is what I was thinking of on the Feb 2014 WT thread.

    All makes sense now. . . .

  • Ding



    "Old light..."

    "New light..."

  • wasblind

    Bud Light


    I would like to throw my helmet into the ring.

    Satan was not cast out in one God-almighty heave. He was cast out in an overlapping way, spanning several generations. If you are referring to the contemporary generation, then you are missing the spiritual event and focusing too much on the physical, which can lead to weakness of the flesh.

    To complicate matters, there was both a typical and an antitypical fulfilment of this prophecy; a lesser and greater application. I suggest you wait patiently until a flash of light, via the faithful and indiscreet slave, illuminates the way forward.

    Hope this helps.

  • Vanderhoven7


  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Watch Tower, Governing Body, JW.ORG say they are the only ones who have the 'truth' . ™

    Their version of 'truth'™ must not be questioned... because ... their 'truth'™ does not stand up to scrutiny.

    What a religion of innocents, con-men, and abusers to keep the rank and file in line.


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